Confidence after Cancer Aloe vera gel boosts immune system and - TopicsExpress


Confidence after Cancer Aloe vera gel boosts immune system and destroys cancer tumors Modern scientific research has shown strong immunomodulatory and antitumor properties for aloe vera polysaccharides. Which means the aloe vera gel helps to boost up the immune system function while destroying cancer tumors. One study was published in the International Immunopharmacology (1995) showed that aloe vera gel’s polysaccharides exhibited potent macrophage-activating activities as well as producing increased volumes of nitric oxide that has antitumor potential. As a matter of fact, if anyone wants to prevent cancer should seriously investigate about aloe vera, especially Barbadensis Miller Type, as part of their recipe for eliminating cancer from life. But, it is not necessary to only reply on aloe vera for cancer prevention, especially since there are dozens of cancer cures and prevention that are now well known in naturopathic medicine. Forever Living has come up with the most effective natural product along with aloe vera which effectively works in our body to prevent diseases and cancer tumors. So, for preventing cancer tumor it will be better to take Forever Living’s aloe vera gel along with other products like Bee Propolis, Royal Jelly. NATURAL NEWS Study reveals that antibacterial soap causes breast cancer Saturday, May 03, 2014 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer Tags: breast cancer, antibacterials, triclosan Learn more: naturalnews/044968breast_cancer_antibacteria… Learn more: naturalnews/044968breast_cancer_antibacteria… NaturalNews) Most people see them as a guarantee of safety against harmful pathogens, but the antibacterial chemicals commonly added to soaps, toothpastes and various other personal care products could be making you sick. A new study out of South Korea has found that the popular antibacterial additive, triclosan, exhibits cancer-promoting effects both in vitro and in vivo, a finding that could have significant implications for humans. For their research, Kyung-Chul Choi and colleagues from Chungbuk National University and the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology looked at triclosan in the context of how it affects the hormonal system. A known hormone-disruptor, triclosan has been shown in previous research to mimic the feminizing hormone estrogen, which in turn alters the normal production and expression of other hormones like testosterone. As a result, triclosan appears to throw the endocrine system out of balance, leading to abnormal cellular growths. Particularly in women, triclosan appears to trigger the growth of breast cancer cells, leading to the formation of malignant tumors. This was demonstrated both in cell samples and in live mice, as breast cancer cells were shown to thrive in the presence of triclosan. After comparing the frequency and progression patterns of breast cancer growth in both the cell samples and the mice, some of which were exposed to triclosan and some of which were not, it became clear that the chemical spurs abnormal cell proliferation. And the fact that triclosan bioaccumulates in the body over time makes the threat of it even more pronounced. Although the doses of EDCs were somewhat high, we did this to simulate the effects of daily exposure, as well as body accumulation due to long-term exposure, simultaneously in animal experiments, stated Choi. Thus, exposure to EDCs may significantly increase the risk of breast cancer development and adversely affect human health, wrote he and the others in their paper. Octylphenol amplifies cancer-causing effects of triclosan The team also identified another antibacterial chemical, octylphenol, which exhibits similar cancer-promoting effects. Though lesser known than triclosan, octylphenol was shown to work in conjunction with triclosan to amplify the growth and spread of cancer cells, illustrating the immense dangers associated with these ubiquitous chemicals. Research has found that two EDCs -- triclosan, an antimicrobial ingredient in many products, including soaps, cosmetics and cutting boards; and octylphenol, which is in some paints, pesticides and plastics -- have accumulated in the environment, explains ScienceDaily. Additionally, triclosan is reportedly in the urine of an estimated 75 percent of Americans. Consumer groups like Beyond Pesticides and the Environmental Working Group (EWG) have been raising awareness about the dangers of triclosan for years, highlighting its status as a known endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC) and pushing for its removal from personal care products. But many commercial products still contain it, which is why consumers need to beware. Studies have increasingly linked triclosan and its chemical cousin triclocarban, to a range of adverse health and environmental effects, from skin irritation, endocrine disruption, bacterial and compounded antibiotic resistance, to the contamination of water and its negative impact on fragile aquatic ecosystems, explains Beyond Pesticides. Learn more: naturalnews/044968_breast_cancer_antibacteri… CHEMOTHERAPY/RADIOTHERAPY Cancer is caused by a combination of a number of triggers and the body’s immune system failure to cope. The rich antioxidant properties in drinking Aloe helped to rebuild my immune system during and after the treatments which because of their high toxicity tend to make people weak and open to all types of infections (e.g. Mouth ulcers to influenza Etc).I suffered, as a result of drinking the gel, no illnesses during six months of treatment. I used the skin gel during radiation treatment and found it very cooling and soothing. I now need to maintain a high level of health and my immune system needs to be working at peak performance so I continue to drink the gel every day. I do feel, although there was nothing to compare it with, that the Aloe products have helped my energy levels and general well-being through the nasty experience of being treated for cancer. Miranda White OVARIAN CANCER Two years ago I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer and had to have a total hysterectomy after which I began a course of chemotherapy for six months. After three months of being clear, I was told I had a secondary tumor on my rectum and would need a further six-month course of chemotherapy. I was unable to complete this course as I contracted MRSA super bug, and the anti-biotic depleted my immune system. As I still needed chemotherapy it was decided that I would take it in a milder tablet form with the possibility of radiotherapy in the future. The effect these chemicals had on me were very unpleasant, the worst was my digestive and bowel system. It was as if I had drunk acid and felt like it was burning me from top to bottom. The remedies given to me by the hospital did little to relieve these problems. Earlier in the year my daughter and I visited a Natural Healing Exhibition in Ipswich where I was told about Aloe Vera and how it could help me. However, I was skeptical and thought it could not be that good, and left it at that, but my problems still persisted. After talking to my nurse who said I could benefit from trying Aloe Vera, I decided to go to the next Natural Healing Exhibition in Colchester where I met Ann and Ron Doveton. They were very informative about the different ways Aloe Vera could help me and advised me to try the Aloe Vera Gel. After only two days of taking the Aloe Vera my digestive tract and bowel calmed down considerably. A few weeks later I was told I would need Radiotherapy daily for a month and that it could irritate and burn the skin. The Radiotherapist said that all she could give me was moisturizing cream for dry skin but I told her I would prefer to use my Aloe Vera Gelly. She said that she could not allow this, as so many patients brought in Aloe Vera Crèmes touse, but they have so many chemical additives they could not be used, as it would interfere with the Radiation. She offered to have my FLP gelly tested in the hospital laboratory. Two days later the results came back that the gelly was almost 100 pure and therefore they were perfectly happy for me to use it after the treatments. In fact, they said that they had never seen one so pure before. 51. At the end of my treatment I did not have any radiation burns, irritation or dry skin and as I was drinking the Aloe Vera Gel my energy levels had improved no end. In fact, friends have been saying how well I have looked lately and have asked what I have been doing, as did my Cancer Consultant. So I told them about Aloe Vera and how it has helped me. I am now a distributor and with the help of Ann and Ron, my first presentation was a great success and has created a lot of interest amongst people with all sorts of problems. Although I have been told my cancer is not curable I feel that together with my positive attitude on life, great support from my family and friends, and with the help of Aloe Vera my quality of life has been greatly improved and long may it continue. I hope that this testimonial will help other distributors to be able to help other people who are also suffering. Sandra Brace
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 18:37:43 +0000

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