Congoma wants probe on Mphwiyo shooting sped The Council for - TopicsExpress


Congoma wants probe on Mphwiyo shooting sped The Council for Non-governmental Organisations in Malawi (Congoma) has said it wants investigations on the shooting Budget Director in the Ministry of Finance, Paul Mphwiyo, sped up. “Having made its opinions, Congoma would like to plead with authorities that this investigation by the Police Service be concluded with speed and culprits brought to book. We do not want to see this investigation stall like others in the past which also creates motivation for further such crimes,” reads the statement from Congoma board chairperson Voice Mhone. In the statement Congoma has also appealed to the country’s politicians to refrain from making remarks on the shooting, before investigations are concluded. “Politicians should refrain from making conclusive remarks on such emotive issues before facts of the matter are thoroughly investigated by Police or other agents charged with such responsibility. The danger of such remarks is that they are misinterpreted to have political influences on the later outcomes of such cases in Courts and waters down the credibility of court judgements,” read the statement. Ironically President Joyce Banda commented on the matter, before police Malawi Police Service started its investigations on the shooting. In the statement Congoma has also called for collaboration of all stakeholders in the fight against corruption. “Malawi Government, Civil Society, Private sector and cooperating partners should work together to holistically strengthen and deepen systems and structures that fight corruption other than window-dressing or piece-meal kind of approaches to fighting corruption,” continues the statement. Congoma has since expressed worry at the deteriorating security in the country, of which it says the shooting is a manifestation. “Congoma would like to end by saying that this incident is a continuation, if recent media reports are to go by, that even law enforcers (the Police) are being butchered left right and centre by criminals. How can civilians be safeguarded if the Police are incapacitated and are not safe and secure themselves?” reads the statement
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 14:25:15 +0000

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