Congratulations, Ramin Karimloo - Charles Isherwood, The New - TopicsExpress


Congratulations, Ramin Karimloo - Charles Isherwood, The New York Times: ...Making a sterling Broadway debut, [Karimloo] sets a high standard in the prologue, performing Valjeans angry soliloquy with fiery intensity and full-throttled vocalism that gradually shades into more nuanced coloring as Valjean...The highlight of his performance, and perhaps the production as a whole, is Mr. Karimloos beautifully restrained but richly felt rendition of Bring Him Home...The rest of the cast doesnt always meet the same high standards, although all are creditable performers within the limits of their roles... Joe Dziemianowicz, New York Daily News: ...whats really outstanding about Broadways mixed-bag reboot of Les Miserables comes when the show is at its leanest and most minimal: one man, one voice, one prayer. That signature, goosebump-raising moment now features London stage vet and Broadway rookie Ramin Karimloo, who plays the fugitive convict Jean Valjean. When he sings Bring Him Home, the heaven-sent octave-leaping plea for mercy, his purity and hushed fervor lifts the production to a higher level... Marilyn Stasio, Variety: ...The emotion that thunders through the house in song after song is rage. The heroic Jean Valjean, played with great conviction and in ringing voice by Ramin Karimloo, rages (in “Soliloquy”) at the unjust law that cast him in penal servitude for 19 years for stealing a loaf of bread. ...The night before the battle, Karimloo is allowed a still moment so Valjean can sing the heartbreaking “Bring Him Home” without having the mood destroyed. Matthew Murray, Talk Broadway: ...Then there’s Karimloo. Though rather young and considerably more heartthrobby than most Valjeans, he’s truly excellent — the best I’ve ever seen live.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 11:46:45 +0000

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