Congratulations to all of you - your spirit and determination was - TopicsExpress


Congratulations to all of you - your spirit and determination was awesome and at times very infectious. From the medical team I just want to say a huge thank you for looking after yourselves and each other - it was not easy conditions particularly Saturday due to the heat but you all sensibly kept hydrated/nourished making our lives that much easier. We worked closely with the Ghurka team to ensure your safety and that information was disseminated effectively and people were spotting signs of weary souls and trying to give one to one advice. We always welcome feedback so that we can provide an even better service to you the entrants To those of you who retired on medical grounds or didnt make it to the end dont be ashamed be proud of whatever you achieved its a huge challenge to undertake in perfect conditions and an even bigger one in more demanding conditions - theres always 2015 - which is set to be even more epic! A bit of post event medical tips You have put your bodies through an extreme beating. Keep hydrating yourself and eat a balanced diet to get nutrients topped up. You will feel the burn big time over the next 24-48 hours gentle stretches/exercise / massage, ice and simple painkillers should help you through the worst of it. Toe nails - its a relatively simple case of sadly letting nature take its course my colleagues and anyone who met me out and about on course will vouch that Im totally toe/nail phobic so Im really not looking forward to pics of gammy toes that people normally post! Blisters - Im sure your support crew did an epic job of trying to ease these pesky creatures along with some of our teams. The rationale for us electing not to lance / drain blisters is purely the environment you are in. Dirty farm fields, puddles/bogs and leaky shoes are all a risk from Trail and getting an infection just causes more complications. Hence why we elect to strap them up / pad them. We do review it every year incase any new product comes out that could make blisters a thing of the past sadly Vanish have ignored my letters for a blister cure!! In a clean sterile environment at home its not unreasonable to lance blisters dress them and monitor signs of infection redness, puss and pain. GPs / practise nurses / minor injury units will be able to provide you with reviews / wound management / advice
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 15:45:59 +0000

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