Connectivity—Guruji and devotees-------NO-3 Accidents are - TopicsExpress


Connectivity—Guruji and devotees-------NO-3 Accidents are averted Guruji is God of Gods---He is very distant and at the same time very close to us--- I do not move much out of the house---When Guruji was in chola, I would do my shopping, all at once, for the whole year before Guruji’s birthday. I knew that Guruji would have to watch and would have waste time to protect me. Of course, I would go out at other places when an order would be there---at that time nobody could ever stop me. Once, I was given an order to visit Mathura and Delhi---in Mathura—Deepak Arora runs Satsang-langar of Guruji---and in Agra----Bhatia family has made a beautiful mandir of Guruji. I got my seats reserved and on the fixed day, just at the time I was about to pick up my bags to start for the journey---I got an order from Guruji to unpack----I did obey at once—it is my style of total surrender to obey Guruji. And soon I came to know the reason----two trains had derailed on the next day----and I would have to face lots of difficulties on my way back at this age. Three times my life was saved by Guruji on my way back from Dugri. First, when a buffalo suddenly ran to cross the road and the vehicle ahead of us came to a sudden halt---second, when four cars were speeding very fast on road—ours being the third---there was a big rod fixed far outside the side way of the road-the first car stopped suddenly in front of the rod—the second collided with the first–and the third that was ours took a sudden turn and passed by safely---. The third when the driver slept while driving on the road. During all these three occasions, the drivers themselves admitted that it was not their hand that drove the car—some intervention was certainly there---the drivers themselves were stunned at such a realization during these times. Many times when there had been some danger---my routine taxi would have its tires punctured---once, they were punctured four times in one trip---and I had message from Guruji not to say a single word as it was all happening according His divine will. The same way, my scooter was punctured for one full week which resulted ultimately giving up my driving it--till this date. By the way, I drove scooter for ten long years without any knowledge of driving a bicycle. Once, a tourist bus that we owned, was almost over a chasm hanging in imbalance----and all the passengers were saved and the bus was safely towed on land. I have heard about lots of incidents when accidents took place but there was not a scratch on the body of the devotees—and many times, Guruji by sending fragrance made the devotees realize that He had saved their lives at such a time. There are numberless such occasions when the accident stricken cars reached the workshop and stopped there and the mechanics would wonder how they could be driven to that place. And the cars would actually cover the big distance from Jalandhar to Delhi in such a condition and when halted at the work shop-they would refuse to move an inch further. On such occasions, it became very clear that Guruji had helped them to reach the workshop. Cars have been moving without petrol and would stop only at the destination---thus Guruji saved lots of problems on the road. There are instances that Guruji’s own car started from Jalalndhar mandir to Ludhiana and then on another occasion, from Jalandhar to Chandigrah---empty of Petrol. Guruji saved my life so many more times in many other ways ---I am indebted to Him for it----and I know that this life-time of mine is Guruji’s kirpa and I must spend it in His service singing in His praise------thus, I would also be adding my points of spiritual accountability and will make my account of my actions more solid in the flawless spiritual computer of Guruji-----and also pave way for the future journey of my soul. JAI JAI GURUJI
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 23:28:35 +0000

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