Consciousness and Your Beliefs Endless Divine Bliss, Opens The - TopicsExpress


Consciousness and Your Beliefs Endless Divine Bliss, Opens The Heart and the Doorways within the perceived locked spaces, of Consciousness, deep within you. Those are those places, those spaces, that you know are there, but seem to not be able to fully access. Or you access them, then they slip away, and you forget. Falling ever deeper into the patterns of the mind, that tell you, this is the way it is. The thoughts of the Mind are Transcended when you access the doorways and entry points of Consciousness to limitless Being. The funny part about the mind and its ability to create your reality, is that you must be invested enough in the thoughts of the mind, to sustain the “Beliefs” that they are Real. Let me give you an example or two. So you wake up in the morning and you had an amazing sleep. You feel excited, you feel your Heart, you know all things are Unfolding perfectly, you may even be experiencing some deep states of Joy for no apparent reason, except for simply breathing and being Alive. Then when you get up, you open up and read a letter from a relative, that reminds you, about your need to do something with your life. Suddenly your mind takes over and your old belief systems of limitation take over, seemingly out of nowhere, leaving you in a state of quiet desperation. Your thoughts say to you, who am I to think I could live this blissful life. You Look around you, and see the evidence that you do need to get on with your life, and you say to yourself, yes, look at my life, it isn’t what others would think was exactly a great life. I really should stop kidding myself. I must deal with the real world and get on with my life. Then later that day, when you get on with your life, attempting to get this better job, or look better to attract a partner, you suddenly realize not only are you not joyful, you feel sadness, and you don’t know why. And you wonder where did the joy and bliss go? Now ask yourself, Why would you accept ANY Belief that speaks to you of Limitation? Maybe to Bypass Fears, perhaps those fears you have not yet addressed within you? Is it safer to follow old beliefs that speak of limitation then enter the Courageous Adventure of living in your Heart? In daring to Live as a limitless being, in a world that perceives it is dying and there is no way out? I Can almost hear some of you now, saying, well it’s easy to tell you why I would believe what I believe. I wake up and see my bills, I get yelled at work, and the relationship I am in, is boring, I need a new partner. Again, I ask you to ask yourself, WHY DO YOU BELIEVE THAT? The funny thing about the mind and its beliefs is that: The Very nature of the Mind Believing this is the way it is “IS WHAT MAKES IT” The Way It Is. When you enter the Bliss of Your Soul, of Your Heart, of All That is, you bypass the regular thinking mind and become free from the old patterns and beliefs of the mind, that SPEAK TO YOU only of, limitations, lack, and not enough. Some may call this victim consciousness. That is, a belief in perceived limitations existing, that only exist in the mind, which is MAKING IT SO. There is no seemingly apparent “out there” doing it, creating it. Know yourself. When you enter Joy and Bliss, you enter the limitless nature of Yourself, of your Soul. And the mind then, becomes Quiet. When old patterns and beliefs show up, you then recognize them easily and ask yourself, why would I believe that? And when the mind attempts to show you why you should believe that, you ask yourself again, why would I believe that? Question your Beliefs, Question your thoughts that speak to you of lack and limitation. And then the mind stops. You are no longer buying into an old system, held in mass consciousness, that you are no longer a part of. You are Free, you are Limitless, you are your Soul. You are not buying into the outdated belief systems of Mass Consciousness. You question all the thoughts that enter your mind, and you say, no not there, I am not going there anymore. You exist in the Cosmic Mind, and you have available to you All the experiences you desire. So I leave you with this, Dear Souls, Know yourself, See your Patterns. Embrace the fears within you, that show you, you are entering NOW new territory. That speak to you of “Daring” to live beyond the limitations of Mass Consciousness. And that ASK of you, the Courageous spirit of “Willingness” to enter into, All that you have not yet experienced, but ALL that you Have Always DESIRED to Experience. Through your Heart. There your Eternal Dreams live, of the Magical Worlds, that have always Existed. I will meet you there. Dream Vividly, Dream as Light, through the Love of Your Eternal Heart! I am With You! I am for you! I Am Victoria Elohim! I Am! I Am the Angel Pistis Sophia, Holding you in the Bliss of Your Eternal Soul, Your Immortal Body of Light. I Am Eternal Love!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 18:56:50 +0000

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