Constitution Party of Arizona LET THE REVOLUTION BEGIN. - TopicsExpress


Constitution Party of Arizona LET THE REVOLUTION BEGIN. People from; the left, right, and center, cry out, “Take Back America.” The only way to take back our country is to do as our forefathers did in 1776, start a revolution against the powers that be. We dont want a violent revolution but we the people of America must revolt if we want to take back our government from the two party, Democrat-Republican oligarchy, now in power. Imagine a government controlled not by political parties controlled by special interest and Wall Street but by parties controlled by the people and Main Street. The government might start representing the American people instead of the people at Goldman Sacks, Bank of America and, Koch Industries. Imagine what would happen if all conservatives supported the Constitution Party, all progressives supported the Green Party and all libertarians supported the Libertarian Party. We would have three major parties in the United States, the Democrat and Republican parties would no longer dominate the American political system and we would have some honest debate on the issues facing the American people. We would have no one party majority rule or two party divided government, one the the three parties would always command the balance of power to break any gridlock. We no longer live under a government by the consent of the governed but an oligarchy ruled by corporate interest and other big money contributors. The first words of our constitution read, “We the People of the United States,” not we the corporations and elites of the United States. Clearly the founding fathers intended ours to be a government, of, by and for the people. The time has come to say, “No More,” The founding fathers did leave, we the people, the power to take back our government and the ultimate weapon to peacefully do so, with the ballot not the bullet. We do have a vote in the governance of our republic. The Democrats tell the progressives, “dont support the Green Party, you will divide the vote of the Democrat Party.” The Republicans tell the conservatives and libertarians, “dont support the Constitution Party or the Libertarian Party, you will divide the vote of the Republican Party.” And the true conservatives, libertarians and progressives fall for this argument and we end up with a Democrat-Republican Party dictatorship controlling our government, not in the interest of, we the people, but in the interest of those who pay for their campaigns. Stop doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Divide and conquer. Yes, supporting the Constitution, Green and Libertarian parties divides the Democrat and Republican parties and thats a good thing. Supporting the Democrat and Republican parties over and over again is insanity. Divide the Democrat and Republican parties and then divide them again until they are no more. The Democrats and Republicans no longer represent the American people and therefore must be replaced. End the two party dictatorship and take back America. Under no circumstances support political parties that dont represent, “We the people.” Dont give aid and comfort to the Democrats and Republicans. Dont collaborate with the parties who our corrupting our political system. Revolt and take back America. Let the Second American Revolution begin. Bob Haran, Chairman, Constitution Party of Arizona. I have no copyright of this, anyone can use it, improve it or take credit for it, my only request is that they do it, it is the only way I know to peacefully take back America.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 00:27:35 +0000

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