Contemporary Christianity and The Cult of Human Exaltation. A - TopicsExpress


Contemporary Christianity and The Cult of Human Exaltation. A cult that is growing in and around Christianity. I saw a parade of Christians, each riding on their own float, to the applause of the people watching them. How distressful it is to see Christians being paraded around as if they were some kind of celebrities. I saw this incredible perversion of Christianity to the point where it is now trying to compete with the worlds exaltation of its own. And has almost, on a wholesale basis, lost sight of the fact that we are redeemed, not for our own selves, but for God. 1 John 2:12 I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his names sake. Not for our glory and not for our exaltation, and not for our success and our promotion and our prosperity, but for Gods glory. And all of this really is the byproduct of an abhorrent theology that teaches that salvation is primarily for me, to make me feel good. There are no limits on what I might do because God wants me to have a good time. God wants me to be prosperous. God wants me to be successful. God wants me to be me to do my own thing. I was saved for me. That is the underlying abhoration behind so much of contemporary Christian perversion. - repost Grace MiltopJohn Hans ArjayMarlonRowell-AnnMaria Cristina Kris Jhen Edna Liberty
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:34:12 +0000

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