Contemporary Islaam Preachers! Beware! All praise and thanks be - TopicsExpress


Contemporary Islaam Preachers! Beware! All praise and thanks be to Allaah Azza Wajal. We beseech His Noble peace and blessings upon the best of mankind(sollaLloohu alayhi wasallam). Regarding the issue of whether Nabiyy Eesa(alayhi ssalam) had died or not. We have found some muslims today bringing forth so many irrelevant evidences to back their ignorant statement that nobiyy Eesa had died. Allaahul Mustaaan. And this has been found majorly with some contemporary Islaam Preachers and some other muslims too. These Preachers are advised to seek proper knowledge of Islaam before speaking about it. Allaah says in suuratul Qoof that: And whatsoever you utter there is a close by angel to record it It is very necessary for them and the muslims in general to be very close to the Scholars upon Haqq thereby learning and taking knowledge from them. Regarding this matter: Allaah says in suuratu Nnisaa Verses 107--108 that: And their statement that Indeed We killed the Messiah Eesah the son of maryam the messenger of Allaah(alayhi ssalaam); but he was not killed nor crucified but indeed it was twisted for them; and Indeed those who differ in this matter(that he was killed) are in mere doubt regarding the matter as they do not possess any knowledge regarding it except from following their thoughts; and Truly he was not killed. Then He Jalla wa alaa says: Verily Allaah raised him(to the heavens) and Indeed Allaah is Most Mighty Most Wise. So these are verses that clears this issue that he was not killed as wrongly proclaimed by the Christians and some ignorant muslims. Therefore disbelieving in these statements of Allaah is subjected to making a person a disbeliever after an individual had believed. As indeed Allaah says in suuratu Nnisaa that: Indeed those who disbelieve in Allaah and His Prophets; and they desire to make a seperation between Allaah and His Prophet; and they say we believe in some part and disbelieve in some part; then they desire to take between these two path(that is whether to follow what Allaah says or what His Prophets say) Then Allaah says: Those Ones(with the attributes above) are indeed disbelievers and we have prepared for the disbelievers a painful torment. So it is from the basis of the understanding of Islaam of a muslim to believe in all of Allaahs statements and never to reject any of it. As indeed rejecting any of it is from matters that takes a person out of Islaam after efforts of making clear matters to the individual has been carried but remained futile. So it is kufr(disbelieve) to disapprove or reject any of Allaahs verses. And this is an indeed from the attributes of the Disbelievers as Allaah says in suuratul Baqora that: And those who disbelieve and render our verse lies, they are the dwellers of the Fire; they will be there forever. Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan Aboo AbdiLlaah(hafidhohuLlaah) explained extensively on kufr in his book Kitaabu Ttawheed. Finally; Allaah explained that disbelieving or not submitting to the truthfulnes of any of His verses is KUFR(Disbelieve).. Save yourself from wanting to say new things so as to be known! You know yourself! May Allaah rectify us all.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 04:46:24 +0000

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