Continuation of Depression Battle ,The Story of a Young Girl With - TopicsExpress


Continuation of Depression Battle ,The Story of a Young Girl With each exam she did she became better. From a girl who was speaking her mother tongue to her classmates of different ethnic communities and of Asian origin to a girl who could converse very well in Swahili and English. When she went to her rural home she was the darling of the house. Being the only child in the family meant she was the baby of the family. She was mothered by all her aunties and fathered by all her uncles. Her grandfather also did his part to ensure the girl stayed healthy. He would bring her “ miti ni dawa” (herbal medicine) and honey. This ensured she was free of malaria and flu. Let’s just say she was a healthy child with no cases of being admitted to hospital. Her uncles became her playmates. They would lift her up into the sky and hold her as she came down. Well and since there was no other child in the family she would go and take the neighbors cows for grazing with the boys. There she learned how to herd all the farm animals. Her neighbor’s boys were very protective of her too. For some reason everyone carried her with so much love. One boy got a kick of his life trying to milk a cow so that he could give her some milk. Thank God for the kick because that milk would have probably made her sick. Holidays were something she looked forward to; more so the Christmas holidays. Her mother ensured her daughter wore a new dress that day. Not to mention the many photos she would take with her grandfather during such occasions. And well there would always be a feast during Christmas and she learned how to skin a goat. Her grandfather ensured the liver was made for her to eat as the roasted the other pieces of meat. Life seemed fairly good for this girl. Her mother did the best she could to bring her the best she knew how. This meant that she had to do tuition after school. As young as she was she would not be allowed to go home by herself so as her mother taught her pupils she would sit and do her homework then play with the children around there. As years progressed the one roomed house they were living in became small and the mother decided it’s time they relocated to a new estate. Then life became challenging as it meant having to queue long hours to find a bus home. In the morning the story was the same she had to be awake in the wee hours of the morning to make it in time for school. After much deliberation it was then that her mother decided she was better of in a boarding school……
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 10:34:33 +0000

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