Continuing from where I left off yesterday regarding energy. - TopicsExpress


Continuing from where I left off yesterday regarding energy. Words, music, consciousness, emotions, your body and indeed the entire universe is made up of energy. Everything is energy, and this energy vibrates but not always on the same frequency. Ultimately everything is energy vibrating at various frequencies to give the impression of density. Your thoughts and emotions dictate what frequency you vibrate at. Feelings of anger, hate or shame would be classed as low vibrational frequencies where as joy, bliss and love would be considered higher vibrational frequencies. Basically the higher your energy/emotional levels vibrate, the better the health and happiness you will enjoy. Factors that lower your frequency include stress, anxiety, entrapped emotions and addiction to name a few. Exposure to negative energy such as toxic foods and chemicals and will also lower your frequency. Remember that you are pure energy and which frequency you resonate at will have a considerable effect on your reality and everything in it. Everything we do, every word we speak and thought we think sends out a vibration that attracts to it an experience of like vibration. Very simply stated, if we send out fear, we attract fear. If we send out love, we attract love. We all vibrate energetically at a particular frequency. The lower the frequency, the denser your energy, and the heavier your problems seem. Here you may experience pain and discomfort in your physical body and experience heavy emotions and mental confusion. Psychically, your energy is darker. You need to exert a great deal of effort to accomplish your goals. Overall, your life takes on a negative quality. The higher the frequency of your energy or vibration, the lighter you feel in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. You experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, and joy. You have little, if any, discomfort or pain in your physical body, and your emotions are easily dealt with. Your energy is literally full of light! Your life flows with synchronicity, and you manifest what you desire with ease. Overall, your life takes on a positive quality. Also heres something interesting, disease cannot exist in high vibrational tissue!!! References Dr. Gary Young Dr. David A Hawkins Penny Pierce Pamela Dussault
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 19:31:18 +0000

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