Continuing on the same theme as my last post, what of torture? I - TopicsExpress


Continuing on the same theme as my last post, what of torture? I wanted to write about this, especially when the very epitome of evil Dick Cheney arrogantly had the efrontert to justify torture on TV. But I kept wandering off into tangents, never satisfied with what I was writing. Its taken a few days but I think Ive got it now. Let me offer this hypothesis - your life depends on discovering the truth - the person in front of you is either a terrorist or not! If you came up with the wrong answer, youre toast! You have but two choices - you can either indulge in torture, utilizing whatever sadistic means you so desire or you can use a lie-detector machine. What method would you go for? Now Im a reasonable guy - Im not saying lie-detector machines are perfect but Ill say this - when the FBI have a suspect in a murder case, they often ask whether that person would be happy to take a lie-detector test. If a suspect agrees, whenever theyre found to be telling the truth, almost to a fault, the FBI close that line of inquiry! However, with torture, at what point does one say enough is enough if the person being tortured keeps pleading BUT IM INNOCENT? Is it not inevitable that even the most hard-bitten criminal would succumb & eventually say what the torturer wants to hear just to end the agony? So ........ Which method would you choose? Naturally torture was deemed illegal - end of story! There were no justifiable means. Torture was illegal no matter what! Okay, so lets tone it down to GBH - Grevious Bodily Harm. This is a offense judges in the UK take very seriously, often slapping 5 year+ sentences with no parole & rightfully so. Now, correct me if Im wrong but what would the judge think if the accused said, listen your honour - what I did was justified, necessary & Id do it again in a heartbeat? The judge would first have to regain his composure & then either add a few years to the sentence or perhaps more appropriately send the lunatic to a secure psychiatric unit. Torture is far worse than GBH for the victim has no way of fighting back! Inflicting such unimaginable fear & pain is so inherently evil, such wickedness can only be administered by depraved, sub-humans, the lowest of the low! Yet, when Dick Cheney was interviewed on TV & asked about his role in sanctioning torture, this is what he said - HED DO IT AGAIN IN A HEARTBEAT! So, could someone tell me why this vile excuse for a human being, along with Bush & indeed all those who played a role in these inhumane acts of barbarism are not being rounded up, charged & treated as the criminals they are? Torture is illegal - period! No ones allowed to torture anybody but the sad truth is these people are not paying the price. Yet theres always a price to pay! Allowing any one individual to be above the law, as well as being non-sensical, is simply asking for trouble. But now we find ouselves in a quandary of cataclysmic proportions - the most powerful, wealthy people have this very luxury! Whats more, theyve already shown us they think nothing of manufacturing wars; they dont care one jot if a million people die or the sheer carnage they unleash. The consequences? Here....... the skys the limit! Imagine what you like! The greatest criminal in history are not only above the law - theyre doing whatever they think needs to be done to ensure theyre untouchable! Like I said, theres always a price to pay.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 01:15:17 +0000

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