Control Control is the huge separator from love, Control is - TopicsExpress


Control Control is the huge separator from love, Control is based on fear, we believe, that if we cling to things, circumstances, people, it is ours to have and to hold forever; control is the building stone for the ego values, control may be felt like power, oh now I run my life and nothing can ever disturb or take away what is mine, when Twin Flames meet they first kiss in Spirit and unconditional love is felt in every fiber of the body, it is magical, because we remember how we felt long time ago before the great split, where we went our separate ways and separated ourselves from the Source of God within, after a while all of the past teachings of the ego is surfaced, that is when anger, resentment, dissappointment, jealousy, possessive nature (he / she is mine) is shown to us for a final kiss goodbye, the time of clearance depends on our willingness to give up the old and let go of all of the old control mechanisms, which have served us throughout the many lives, control can be wrapped in many forms, eg. for those who prefer to live in the upper chakras, it is disguised as an urge to heal and improve the life of the other Twin - just be aware, that this urge to change the other one may be our own wish to make the Twin a little more like ourselves, so that we can have it our way, we come from marriages build upon control, the karmic marriages were solar plexus energy, where the two parties in shift had the power of the other one; this was for us to learn how to distinguish between uncondional love and ego love, we then build dependency towards each other - I give this to your, in return you give me, what I need; dependency is also control, each party wish to control the other one and use co-dependency to let the other one get stuck and only prefer the daily dosis of dependency, control is fear attached to the pain body, through past pain we lost everything, and the old loss is still in our cell structure, the best way to let go of control is to live in the moment of NOW, for living in the flow of the NOW you attract life circumstances, shown by your soul and as you give less power to your ego, the lower ego slowly dies, and you can allow for a fruitful cooperation between the ego and the soul, for the ego can be a drive for the soul, do not be afraid to lose your Twin Flame, this can really never happen, because the relationship is a sacred union of hearts, and slowly you open your heart to live in trust and faith; the more you can allow for trust and faith to be your guide, the less fear you allow into your life, as we have walked in fear for so many lives, it is natural for us to wish to hold on to a love like Twin Flame Love and never let it dissappear again; so we experience the times of separation to let go of control, control the biggest love killer of all time and learn to live and celebrate the freedom of partnerships, which Twin Flames offer to each other, remember always the mirror that Twin Flames show to each other, what you may believe is an imbalance of the other one, is yours; the imbalances of yours, which you have not yet healed; when you project your own imbalances to someone else, you refuse to acknowledge your own Divine Power - and as you project you separate yourself from your own Source of God Power, Love & Light, Birgit ©
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 22:01:17 +0000

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