Conversation started today Andrea Guite 12:46pm Andrea - TopicsExpress


Conversation started today Andrea Guite 12:46pm Andrea Guite STOP WITH YOUR HATE! Its rude and disrespectful. Lana Swan 1:53pm Lana Swan This is Eric Conrad, You mean STOP THE TRUTH! Joy and others like yourself, possess no SELF respect and it is now obvious to the ballet world. No one cares enough about ballet or the tantrums of yet another deluded American who has just been put in her place, by her own actions and ignorance. You should read the email Joy sent me several months ago if you want to see disrespect. The difference is that I have actually accomplished something real and lasting in Russia as a pedagogue and choreographer, state honors etc. not pertinent to this comment. Joy has been untruthful to Americans about her achievement, saying shes a soloist, the 1st American in the Bolshoi…; all nonsense. Whats worse all this time and energy she spent, not in service of the art because she cant even stand in 1st position correctly, no American trained dancer can, no understanding of turn-out, placement; all the things Ive said. This was all to feed her insecurity and EGO. In truth this is not even her fault, the ballet teachers and directors in this county are degenerates, they uses families to make a little $ with no hope of ever producing a single Professional dancer (Russian Standard) AND THESE PEOPLE KNOW IT. My aim with my blogs was to educate and help my own people, but the response I received from Joy for example, was just pure resentment and ignorance. EVERYONE pays to advance themselves in Russian ballet, yes even the most talented Russians. It is the system. So the fact that she was given a contract in the Bolshoi means she or her family PAID Leonova, who BTW doest know anything about Teaching Ballet. Why do you think she teaches only foreign students, $$$$$$$. To advance in Russian Ballet you WILL pay $ or you will pay in the BED, there is NO other way. I had the same suggestion from Marina Leononva (Director of Bolshoi Academy), I needed to either give her a gift of guess what $10,000 or I could move on… I moved on. But not before making a name for myself in Russian Ballet. I used them, before they could use me. That;s the reality. Joy was USED in order to encourage other Americans to waste their money at the Bolshoi Academy. Joy still doesnt understand that this situation was planned in advance, she was never going to be a soloist in the Bolshoi, she was never going to have any career in the Theater. She was just an advertisement for the SCAM that is, studying ballet in Russia. She is only humiliating herself by making such a fuss, she was scammed by the Russians, bottom line. I would feel compassion for her if not for her ridiculous emails to me. She and all other American trained dancers were never taught placement, this is the FIRST element taught in Russian ballet at 8,9 yrs old. Only my method has been successful in integrating this placement into already trained dancers at any age really. BUT,because of all of this type of nonsense, I am not willing to teach it anymore, Ive moved on with my life to bigger and BETTER things. So I dont pay any attention to ballet anymore, but this was just to tasty and opportunity to pass up. Women in Ballet always have difficulty with the TRUTH. Andrea Guite 1:56pm Andrea Guite Show me the Email joy sent you. You are deluded and excuse me but this is not the first situation the bolshoi has had with this. Get informed before you speak nonsense. Lana Swan 3:33pm Lana Swan HERE IS JOYS email to me regarding my knowledge of Russia: Dear Mr. Conrad, This is sickening that you would go to such lengths to tarnish his name. You do not work with him everyday and know what he is supposed to look like. No injury is ever the same. If you watch the video you can see his scars. He is a strong person who always is in good humour no matter what. I think that the world should be happy that he was not damaged further. If you speak russian you would know that he says that he has a very long road of recovery ahead of him.... Shame on you. You make assumptions based on conspiracy theories rather than fact. PS I dont appreciate you spreading false information that I paid to be in the Bolshoi. I got there with hard work and was the only one in my class to be excepted. Purely on my exam results, audition, and performances as the lead in many different roles during my time of study. Not because of money or connections, but because I was the first to be there in the studio and the last to leave. Day in and day out. I love Russia and love the Bolshoi.I am so grateful for the opportunities and risks people continue to take on me. I will defend them because they stand by me. If you had respect for our art form you should do a little more research before spewing false information in the form of little known truths. Sincerely, Joy Lana Swan 3:45pm Lana Swan Lana Swan Dont git personal with me. I know Russian Ballet. I am Russian. I was born there I know that system. I am more informed about that country that you think. ( I have never defended Eric Conrad, because he told me to stay away from it. People will not understand you till they will make their own mistakes) HE IS RIGHT. YOU ARE STILL DONT BELIEVE. Lana Swan 4:00pm Lana Swan Lana Swan Однако, по словам балетмейстера-репетитора Большого театра и преподавателя Вомак Марины Кондратьевой, у американской балерины были объективные трудности с работой в Большом театре. — Она очень хорошо окончила Академию, прошла конкурс, и ее взяли в труппу, — рассказывает Кондратьева. — Однако у нее всё же другие школа и выучка. Так говорят репетиторы, я сама выясняла этот вопрос. И еще она очень плохо запоминает движения, долго разучивает их. А так как репертуар большой, то ей сложно. Кондратьева отметила, что Джой Вомак мечтала о сольных партиях, но практика работы в Большом театре такова, что начинающие артисты должны пройти через кордебалет. И обижаться на это не нужно: правила одинаковы для всех. However, according to the ballet master-master of the Bolshoi theatre and the teacher of Vomak Marina Kondrateva, the American ballerina had a big difficulties in the Bolshoi theatre. — She graduaded the Academy well, she won a ballet competition, she has a contract with the Bolshoi Theatre, — tells Kondrateva. — however, Joy has an american school and training. All of Joys ballet teachers at the Academy and Ballet-masters the Bolshoi agreed with it.You cant change it. Ive investigated this question myself. Joy doesnt remember the ballet steps. It takes her to learn it forever. Time is everything in ballet. The Bolshoi schedule is complex and we dont have a long time to learn it. it is your profession to learn it fast. Kondrateva has noted, that Joy Womak dreamed of solo parts. The reality at the Bolshoi is simple. You have to start at corps de ballet and than keep growing up. You cant pass through corps de ballet. She shouldnt take an offence at it. Joy was disappointed. These are the rules for everybody at the Bolshoi Theatre Читайте далее: Американская балерина обвинила руководство Большого в вымогательстве Джой Вомак утверждает, что после возвращения Сергея Филина в ГАБТ у нее потребовали $10 тыс. за партию в спектакле Andrea Guite 4:13pm Andrea Guite Joy is right, she was not being rude at all. I think you are misunderstanding. Lana Swan 4:18pm Lana Swan Keep defending. I can take the insult. I know Russia. I am one. Joy is doing a PR for herself and every Russian artist knows that. They just cant say it, because they need theirs jobs. Oh wait they did say that but in russian language that you cant read Анна Ребецкая is a Soloist at The Bolshoi Theater Анна Ребецкая shared a link. Yesterday · Edited Джой, а за что ты так уважаешь человека, который требовал с тебя 10 000 , что даже не можешь назвать его имя? Мы все, кто танцевал кукол в Щелкунчике , поддерживали тебя, несмотря ни на что, ни на то что ты валилась с пируетов до последнего, ни на то что ты 3 месяца не могла выучить порядок жигони! Василий Степанович верил в тебя , говорил , нужно дать девочке шанс !! Ты что, не помнишь почему тебя не могли поставить даже в кордебалет, ты правда считаешь, что у тебя нет проблем с запоминанием балетного текста?!!! Не лучше ли своей работой в новом театре доказывать , что к тебе были несправедливы , а не такими интервью! Seen 4:19pm Choose an emoticon Add FilesAdd Photos Press Enter to send
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 00:24:13 +0000

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