Could it be that the thought of making chemical trails with - TopicsExpress


Could it be that the thought of making chemical trails with aircraft have been in the minds of people since 1923 or perhaps even longer? In this video, this airplane is leaving a very effective chemically induced smokescreen. One has to keep in mind this did not happen over night. Experiments would or could last for months or even years to get the desired affect they achieved in this video. That is not taking into account the deliver system which would of had to of been fine tuned to get the desired result before the production of this film. I viewed a clip presented to me by Bob Solo from a site called There is that link in question. Notice how he states; This video has been used by chemtrail theorists in two incorrect ways. Firstly they suggest its Chemtrail Experiments, when its quite clear its just a low level vertical smoke curtain. Secondly, they suggest this is what is going on in ALL the WWII contrail videos and photos. However this technique only works for a low level trail and bomber, and would be totally useless to conceal a high altitude bomber. And of course the bombers themselves are usually the planes producing contrails. Notice how he gets your attention away from the chemical aspect of warfare. And steers you in the direction of bombers which is a common tactic of disinfo agents. In this clip you will see the Navy produced version of this video. Where it clearly states; A Smoke Curtain, An important new chemical warfare development. Hanging a curtain half a mile long in 18 seconds. criticalpast/video/65675040385_USS-New-Jersey_lightship_Martin-bomber_smoke-screen If you are presented sites from contrailscience or metabunk as valid sources to explain that what you think is taking place is a fallacy. Keep in mind that both Metabunk and Contraiscience are both created by Mick West a self proclaimed pseudoscientist. Who has no scientific background and in his own words I’m not a scientist, or a meteorologist, but I try to ensure that what I post is comprised of independently verifiable facts. You can check these facts yourself. If you find ANY error on this site, then let me know and I will issue a correction immediately. I think cointelpro is a better description of him. Here is the most accurate description of Mick West I have seen. Harold Saive Contrailscience is a fraud...They dont know the relationship of relative humidity to contrail formation. Nobody on the site seems to know any math. This guy is determined to hack his way through absurd postulates to show the sheeple the wrong message. Metabunk is worse. Its a watering hole for disinfo trolls...They have no credibility. They occasionally post something that is correct and true...but only to attain enough faux credibility to burn some poor ignorant fool who cant think. People in this group will down play any picture or video suggestions of GOE. They are either gullible and or just ignorant. Conversing with these people you enter into the world of the internet troll. psychologytoday/blog/your-online-secrets/201409/internet-trolls-are-narcissists-psychopaths-and-sadists Though out history men have been sacrificing children to the gods in hope that the sacrifice will bring rains to insure a good crop production for that year. From the ancient Phoenicia to the Aztecs. Fast foreword to the 20th century; To the techno era man now has the ability to play God. Modifying the weather to produce rain in one region only to Induce drought in another region. Are these schemes justifiable to the public at large? Or are they the brain childs of men who fund such programs as (SRM) Solar Radiation Management & (IPCC) International Panel on Climate Change. Then we have Met Office. Who would fund such programs one might ask? Would you believe that Microsoft founder Bill Gates is one. It is well known his father started Planned Parenthood. It is also well known that he still carrys on his fathers eugenics agenda. The people who fund these projects hide behind the title of the Philanthropist. theguardian/environment/2012/feb/06/bill-gates-climate-scientists-geoengineering Reducing population growth? Did those words just come out of his mouth? Through out all these (NGOs) Non Governmental Organizations you will find on their own pages the term Sustainable Development which was first coined in 1980 and anything that these days that uses that term is directly tied to the UNs Charter on Agenda 21. Which was developed in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 There is a plethora of information on all these topics. If any of this concerns you as it should. You might want to further your research on these concepts as it pertains to the livelihood of all individuals even the trolls who unwittingly or wittingly live in denial of any of it.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 16:10:13 +0000

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