Country Roads” My father is of the old school. If you can - TopicsExpress


Country Roads” My father is of the old school. If you can obtain his handshake on a deal you have something worth more than any team of lawyers could prepare. He wasnt one to fabricate tall tales or even to spin yarns. He didnt believe in anything he could not hear, touch, see or smell. I think in his heart he believed in the rebirth of Jesus but something made me absolutely certain one night. I called Dad one Friday night a few months after Mom passed. I noticed an unusual hesitancy in his voice. At last I asked, Dad whats wrong? What are you trying not to tell me? He replied hesitantly, Ive something I feel I should tell you but am not quite sure because I dont want you to think Im losing my mind.I assured him I would not. He continued, “a few days after your Mom died I was raking leaves in the front yard when I had the strangest feeling. I stopped and looked down the street only it wasnt our street. I saw your Mom approaching on and old country road lined with trees and flowers. She walked up to me looking as beautiful as when I first met her fifty years earlier. She smiled and said, Do not worry for me. I am in a beautiful place with Jesus. I have returned to tell you not to worry and to tell you and Cliff and family to prepare yourselves to join me by living the lives I know you can and by keeping the faith. At that she smiled once again and turned to walk down the country road only this time the road was going upward into a bright light. Dad had completed his story. If you knew my Dad, Houston Beasley, and knew him to be a man of his word beyond most you will ever encounter..This was cause to take assurance! He has never mentioned the story again. Yet, last time I was home we were setting in the front yard when I noticed him staring intently down the road. I could not help but wonder if it was the old asphalt road that led into town or was it not the beautiful country road lined with trees and flowers and a beautiful young woman at the end standing in the light. To each of us the question must be answered. You can reason it away, analyze it away, ignore it all together, or you can do as a rock solid old man down in Southeast Texas has done...find the road that is narrow, tree lined, with flowers and keep your eyes and your heart upon the Light. My father walked that country road for the last time Christmas 1998. He stepped into the Light and took the hand of a beautiful young lady……
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 15:41:38 +0000

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