Country Venezuela .02 per gallon Syria Libya Saudi - TopicsExpress


Country Venezuela .02 per gallon Syria Libya Saudi Arabia Turkmenistan Kuwait* Iran .25 per gallon Bahrain Qatar Algeria Oman Sudan Brunei Tr.andTobago* UA Emirates Bolivia* Nigeria Malaysia* Ecuador Angola Russia* USA* Yemen* Tunisia Botswana Pakistan* Uzbekistan Namibia Lesotho Panama* Guatemala* Taiwan* Indonesia* Chad Kyrgyzstan* Jamaica* Egypt* Ethiopia Kazakhstan* Iraq Bhutan Vietnam* Liberia Gabon Nicaragua* South Africa* Philippines* Ghana* Cameroon Mexico* Canada* Niger Mongolia Azerbaijan Australia* Honduras* R. of Congo Afghanistan Guyana Colombia Sierra Leone Maldives Togo Belarus* India* Haiti Bangladesh Lebanon China* Swaziland* Ukraine* Madagascar Georgia* Benin Nepal* Kenya* Moldova* Tanzania* Brazil* Thailand* Burundi Peru* Domin. Rep.* Japan* Armenia* Estonia* Macedonia* Sri Lanka* Bosnia and Herz.* Costa Rica* Chile* Guinea Mali Latvia* Belize Laos Andorra* Fiji Hungary* Ivory Coast* Poland* Tajikistan Uganda* Cambodia Serbia* Luxembourg* Montenegro* Mauritania Lithuania* Bulgaria* Argentina* Burkina Faso Cuba Spain* Austria* Romania* Mauritius* Singapore* Croatia* Czech Rep.* Morocco Mozambique Jordan Grenada Cape Verde* Cyprus* South Korea* Rwanda Zimbabwe C.A. Republic Paraguay Albania* Suriname Zambia* Switzerland* New Zealand* Belgium* France* Germany* Slovenia* Ireland* Sweden* DR Congo Iceland* Slovakia* Portugal* Israel* Senegal Finland* Malawi* Uruguay* Djibouti UK* Greece* Malta* Denmark* Turkey* Hong Kong* Netherlands* Italy* Norway* On the chart we indicate with a * the countries for which we have official and up-to-date information about gasoline prices. For the remaining countries, we use older price series as a benchmark and we update using current exchange rates and the change in global petrol prices. Create your own professional website – free trial The global economy explained Oil and the average global gasoline price Widget: integrate our data on your site Petrol prices data feed Articles
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 12:46:27 +0000

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