Couple of in depth and quite complex problems we all face at the - TopicsExpress


Couple of in depth and quite complex problems we all face at the minute, and it is no easy task for anyone to attempt to decipher the underlying causes. Therefore, everyone can have valid input, as even those who class each other as leaders and administrators of society and its people, appear to have no genuine answer to these problems. Why would this be the case? O.K. We have to be really smart here. One of the best ways to get smarter is to appreciate how little you know, and to also realise that most learning requires no school teacher. Thus, we are witnessing the vast use of other resources such as the Alternative Media, as a means to give people such as ourselves a broader and more applicable level of practical knowledge. (This would be something predicted and desired by Ivan Illich over 40 years ago) This is as opposed to those who take everything that has been prescribed to them by others, usually with the underlying desire that what is administered serves to benefit those who dish it out. Every person who rises to political heights is already bought and paid for by the hidden hand of power distribution. It does not matter which party they claim to be representing or if their goals seem like a radical shift from the present, as at the end of the day they will be no different. With regards to this, I noted Red Ed meeting Obama last week, and perhaps this could be an indicator of who will be in power next? At the moment we have an endless list of apologists for Israel. This is apparent all across the political spectrum of many countries and it is especially notable in our supposedly free and democratic West. We stand by Israels right to defend itself I am sick and tired of this line, I really am. Israel and its models of societal control are used against all of us, and not just the Palestinians. The financial backing of political parties, academic institutions and think tanks are inundated with Israeli money and ideas and have been for at least 60 years. This means that already, several generations have grown up under the hypnotic spell emanating from these hidden powerhouses of subversion. Their manipulation of Hollywood is also a key control mechanism and is used on a regular basis to numb the minds of hundreds of millions of people to reality. Let it be stated with clarity that Israel is not merely defending itself. It is attacking those who rebel against its oppression. It is imposing a modern day encirclement and hellish manipulation upon millions of innocent men, women and children. This projected campaign has led to thousands of deaths, and an almost battery hen existence for those on the receiving end. It has to stop, and it has to stop as soon as is possible. I watched the television news last night and witnessed a shaven headed Israeli spokesman( he would not have looked out of place in the N.F) He stated quite categorically that Israel does not have to abide by international laws or rules when it is in defence of itself. No ambiguity, no concessions; simply that when under attack you do not have to abide by international law, as long as your nation is called Israel. The fallacy of timid and peaceful needs to be dismissed for the myth that it is. The Israelis are usurpers, and are the preeminent parasitic infiltrators of our opinions at this time. Ignore our politicians who are owned by the high flying Zionists. Murdoch, Soros, Adelson, Bloomberg et al. are masters of deceit and they are united in their aims to control everyone and everything. What about our good political stooges? Are they going to impose sanctions on Israeli, Zionist businessmen? Are we going to freeze their assets? You know, like we are doing with the Russians. I doubt it, because the ones who are doing all the screaming and shouting about Russia, which is not bombing or killing anyone at the minute are all backed by other powerful Zionists like Zbigniew Brzezinski. Make no mistake: We are dealing with some very astute and dangerous people at this juncture. To dismiss them out of hand or to think that your own level of knowledge of what is going on in the world is up to theirs, would be a very dangerous assumption. They are an opponent that most of the world has not only underestimated, but has missed completely for a very long time. I am happy to see that this is now changing. And that change is not as a result of any Mainstream Politician or Mainstream media representative, but rather the actions of the growing number of normal people who have the ability and will to find out and discover things for their own enhancement. No matter what their race, religion or social alignment. (Fabooka De Stait)
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 08:12:14 +0000

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