Courage: I can think of two types of courage. One is the - TopicsExpress


Courage: I can think of two types of courage. One is the courage to go and do something risky in the physical sense, and the other is to do something risky and be powered by our firm solid-as-rock beliefs for doing what is right. A person can climb a mountain and can be called courageous because he or she risks their own lives to do so. This is doing things for personal interests like sports, fame and glory etc. Moral Courage is fueled by love and good values and doing what is right for the greater good of others, and to protect the innocent and young from predators and harm. Years ago here in New Zealand we had a truck crash, it was very serious. A young girl was caught under the burning truck/tanker and she couldnt get free until the rescue people arrived. Flames were overhead and it looked like she was doomed. Now common-sense tells us to keep back and leave her to her fate. Why should we all die? one may think. It was obvious that she couldnt be freed by normal means and that big truck was about to blow so it seemed. It would be foolish and dumb to the many people watching to take risks to be near this poor girl to comfort her. So the onlookers watched from a safe distance. But one man didnt. He went to the girl and talked to her and comforted her in her moments of horror. He was there throughout her ordeal. He stayed with her until she could be freed. And he did it because it was the right thing to do according to his heart. The right thing to do according to common-sense and logic was to stay away and keep oneself safe and to leave her to her own fate. Another case was of Nigel Mansell the Grand Prix driver who with a friend heard an explosion and they both ran to the scene of the crash. The car was upside down and the driver was being burnt alive in the flames. A bunch of people were just standing there watching - believing I suppose that they couldnt do anything and to protect their own safety they just watched. Mansell and his friend reached into the flames and undid the seat belt and got the man out. Personal moral courage to do what is right because it is right to do so. Courage means taking a risk, and a heart-felt risk is a wonderful thing. Courage is following your heart to do what you have to do because you know that deep own inside, your heart is calling for you to do what you need to do. There was the mother who saw that her 5 year old son was about to be attacked by a huge bear and she with broom in hand told her son to get away to safety and she attacked the bear with her broom. She knew what the bear was going to do to her. She knew that she was going to die a horrible death and she had no idea how long she would be in pain and agony fighting this beast. But she did it. She did it because something wonderful was powering her, and that was love. Her love for her child (and what would seem for all children) was far more powerful that her own self preservation or even her own fear of pain and agony. Her act saved the childs life. There was the mother who saw that her vehicle with her children in was going to go over a cliff and she threw herself in front of the vehicle to slow it down and to hopefully stop it, and her children watched in horror as the vehicle slammed into their mother, and they all heard and felt the sickening thud as the vehicle went over the mothers body. That action of the mothers was enough to stop the vehicle going over the cliff and saved all the childrens lives. The price the mother paid was the use of her legs. She said that she didnt regret what she did because the safety of her children was worth so much for her, and obviously their lives are precious to her. Courage is putting your health, and even your life on the line for others. If you know of an evil then courage is telling the authorities to stop that evil from continuing even at your own risk. Courage is saving people when the need arises. There are always many people who will just sit by like sheep and watch things happen, and then there are always those wonderful people who will courageously have a go and do what their heart and soul requires of them to do. People who are courageous love themselves because they dont hide behind shame, instead they do the right thing. They feel good about themself because they are not afraid to love, forgive, care and do what is right even if the whole world is doing what is wrong. They are the solid structure to good societies that will grow and prosper. Listen to your heart! Listen to God. People with strong moral convictions create good decent communities based on love and good peaceful fellowship. Children grow up in good homes when their parents have strong loving beliefs based on the goodwill of all. The people who are courageous in heart and soul are those who forgive, care and make an effort based on their personal strong beliefs of doing what is right for all. As Spock said, The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Love often doesnt seem logical. But societies without moral courage are doomed because they are fired by crime, indecencies, and people who care for themselves more than others. Such a weak society will fall and fail and take those in it with it, because its foundations are based on materialism, greed and all things that make the human soul weak and destroy the body. Reminds me of Rome, Pompeii and such places. They all fell in time and their great cities collapsed and so did their immoral empires. Please consider your won lives, your ideals, what values you believe in and the community that you live in. Please consider what is really important in life. Please consider what it would take to improve the world peacefully and to improve your own self, life and family. Remember always that if you want to see a change in the world, please start with yourself, and then require of yourself to be the blessing, love and innocence that you want to see in others. All the best from James M Sandbrook.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 09:03:56 +0000

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