Cranberries are a powerhouse full of nutrients! The link - TopicsExpress


Cranberries are a powerhouse full of nutrients! The link between cranberries and prevention of urinary tract infections (UTIs) is not news. The cranberrys link to urinary health was established way back in the early 1900s when the first anecdotal reports appeared. Initially, your doctor may have prescribed cranberries based on the theory that the berrys acidic properties led to improved urinary health. However, research has found that its actually the anti-adhesive properties of the cranberry that promote urinary tract health. The phytochemicals in cranberries, known as a proanthocyanidins (PACs), prevent bacteria from sticking and multiplying, which leads to improved urinary tract health. While other fruits and berries are similar to the cranberry in that they too are packed with vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants, only the cranberry contains this unique form of PAC, which is structurally different than those found in other plant foods. This unique structure is the reason that, despite thorough testing, polyphenol-rich grape and apple juices, raisins, green tea, and chocolate have not been found to produce the same anti-adhesion activity. While you can get these benefits from 100% (and very tart!) cranberry juice, research shows drinking cranberry juice cocktail daily can also promote urinary tract health. Added bonus? Unlike the empty calories you might get from other sweetened beverage and food products, the calories one consumes from cranberry products are more nutrient-dense and offer unique (polyphenols) health benefits that you can only get from cranberries. But wait! Theres more. Ill bet you didnt know that consuming the humble cranberry just might prevent your next cavity or lower your risk for cancer. Cranberries work to boost your mouth health by inhibiting harmful acid production and preventing bad bugs, like Streptococcus mutans, from doing harm to your mouth and teeth. As far as fighting cancer is concerned, the cranberry shows promise. Research has found that polyphenolic extracts from cranberries inhibit the growth and proliferation of breast, colon, prostate, lung, and even esophageal tumor cells. Its thought that cranberry compounds may inhibit cancer cell growth by causing the harmful cells to die off, reducing their ability to invade surrounding tissues. In an analysis of the antioxidant phenol content of 20 fruits, cranberry was found to have the highest total phenol content. So at the end of the day, whether you are rehydrating with cranberry juice, adding fresh berries to your next entrée, or even refueling mid-run with sweetened dried cranberries (dont worry about the added sugar, it makes cranberries more palatable and offers quick fuel to your working muscles), youre likely to find that the ways to enjoy cranberries are as numerous its potential health benefits. If youre looking for some new creative ways to add cranberries to your diet
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 22:43:42 +0000

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