Creating a PR friendly social media policy Engaging with - TopicsExpress


Creating a PR friendly social media policy Engaging with social media is a vital part of any modern PR campaign. Using social media channels to promote your company can have significant benefits if done right, but a measured and carefully considered approach to using social media is vital; here are some tips to get you started. Pick carefully Your first step should be to decide which social media websites are most suitable for the purpose of your company. Want to speak directly to your customers on a daily basis? Try Twitter. Rather create a fan page where you can place special discounts or occasional news items? Then Facebook might be better for you. Dont forget to search the internet to find out how your competitors are engaging with social media - you might be able to pick up some ideas. Keep Twitter fresh If youre on Twitter, try and keep your tweets varied; repetitive content means that youre likely to annoy your followers into taking you off their news feed – always a bad thing. When you tweet, try and link to either your own website (to drive traffic) or another relevant website (to show your company is knowledgeable of your chosen industry as a whole). Also dont forget your SEO keywords – put these in your tweets as much as you can. Put some time into selecting relevant people to follow and dont stop there; you need to be adding new people all the time. And dont forget to re-tweet any relevant comments from those you follow to boost your social media credibility even further. Use your voice Creating a lively, regularly updated social media account can bring authenticity and personality to your company, but you need to think carefully about the sort of image you want to portray. A consistent voice needs to be established, either by putting one person in charge of all your social media avenues or by putting together some guidelines on tone of voice etc. You also need to decide whether youre going to employ a reactive or proactive strategy when it comes to what others are saying about your company on these websites. Are you going to respond to comments on your company that havent been sent to you directly, or is this a step too far? Update, update, update If youre setting up social media accounts, you need to be prepared to put in the time and effort to keep them updated. The point of social media is to engage - a badly maintained Twitter feed or Facebook page could actually do your company more harm than good, particularly is customer comments (or, heaven forbid, complaints) are going unanswered. Find out more about digital communications from the angle of a PR agency.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 06:28:41 +0000

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