Crumbling Europe is in dire need of change Part One of the - TopicsExpress


Crumbling Europe is in dire need of change Part One of the serialisation of Roger Bootles new book,The Trouble with Europe, argues that the EU has reached breaking point helped by the role of the euro The EU is a malfunctioning construct for today’s world – and even more so for tomorrow’s. It needs either to undergo fundamental reform or to break up. It was conceived in a world of large blocs, dominated by the Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union and before globalisation and the rise of the emerging markets. Its agenda of harmonisation and integration inevitably leads to excessive regulation and the smothering of competition. This is largely why, in contrast to the prevailing view that the EU has been an economic success, its economic performance has in fact been relatively poor. If nothing changes, the EU’s share of world GDP is set to fall sharply and, with it, Europe’s influence in the world. Meanwhile, the EU is becoming more unpopular; most people do not want to press on to a full political union; and increasing numbers of its citizens want to leave the EU altogether. European integration is the great issue of our day. Like many British people, I feel both British and European. The culture I love is European – its food and its wine, its history and its buildings, its literature and its art and, for me, especially its music. It is precisely because I am so much of a European, and because I so desperately want Europe to succeed in the world, that I take issue with the EU as it is currently constituted. For me, the EU is the most important thing that stands between Europe and success. It has several key defects: it suffers from a profound identity crisis; its institutions are mainly badly structured and badly run; it is focused on a largely irrelevant agenda; and it is alienated from its electorates. To the casual observer, it may seem that the EU has been successful. After all, it is the world’s largest economy and trading bloc. It accounts for almost 30pc of global output, 15pc of trade in goods and about 24pc of overall global trade. Its people are prosperous, with standards of living that their parents and grandparents could only dream about. Its not all about size In fact, this does not prove very much. Size alone is not decisive; after all, the Soviet Union was big. It is on income per capita that the issue turns. On that score, the EU’s record is not outstanding. Most countries in the world, including those in Europe that do not belong to the EU, enjoy living standards much higher today than those of 30 or 40 years ago. Perhaps the very least we can say is that the EU has not been an outright failure. Nevertheless, that is not saying a great deal either. The issue is how much of the success of EU members, and how much of their failure, is down to the EU itself. The first couple of decades of the European Community’s existence were characterised by very strong economic growth. From 1957 to 1973 (when the UK joined), Germany grew at an average annual rate of 4.7pc, France by 5.2pc, the Netherlands by 4.6pc and Italy by 5.3pc. The six countries that formed the European Community in 1957 – the above four plus Belgium and Luxembourg – grew at an annual average rate of 4.9pc. By comparison, over the same period the UK grew at an average annual rate of only 2.8pc. The fact that the UK was losing ground to the Continent was one of the driving forces behind the case for British membership. The reasons for the UK’s slow growth revolved around more fundamental issues of excessive trade union power, weak management, under-investment and poor economic structure. When the UK finally addressed these problems under Prime Minister Thatcher, its relative growth performance improved. Indeed, just to prove the point that it was not membership of the then EEC that made all the difference, other countries outside the Community were also growing nicely over the period leading up to the UK’s accession (1957–73). Switzerland and Sweden grew at an average annual rate of 4.3pc, the United States by 3.8pc, Norway by 4.1pc, Australia by 4.8pc and Canada by 4.6pc. By contrast with early apparent success, over the last couple of decades the growth of most EU members has been disappointing. Not only has the growth rate fallen back in comparison to their own past histories, but economic growth has also been low relative to the US and even low relative to their fellow EU member, the UK, never mind the rapidly growing countries of Asia. Between 1980 and 2007 the average annual growth rate was 2.1pc for France, 1.6pc for Germany, 2.4pc for the Netherlands and 1.8pc for Italy. These figures compare with 2.4pc for the UK and 2.9pc for the US. If the period is extended to 2012 to include the full impact of the Great Recession (which affected the UK particularly badly), although the UK’s lead over the EU average is reduced, it is still there. Over the period 1980–2012, the EU Six, the original signatories to the Treaty of Rome, grew at an annual average of 1.6pc, compared with 2pc for the UK. And by the end of 2013, both the US and the UK were continuing to recover, while most of the eurozone was struggling to emerge from recession. Admittedly, the EU is by far the world’s most popular destination for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Over the past decade, though, the share of global FDI going to the EU (including intra-EU investments) has declined substantially from 45pc in 2001 to 23pc in 2010, as the share going to emerging markets has risen. Interestingly, two European countries that are not members of the EU, Norway and Switzerland, have been just as successful at attracting FDI as most EU members and much more successful than some, such as Italy. Can some of this relative economic failure be explained by factors other than the EU? Yes. In many EU member countries, the factors holding back investment and inhibiting employment and productivity stem from national, rather than EU, legislation. As a consequence, the EU is often wrongly, and unfairly, blamed for economic failures that are national in origin. This can be seen in the very different levels of unemployment in different EU member countries. False sense of security Yet the indirect role of the EU has been to lull national elites into a false sense of security, making them think that however badly they run their economies, other EU member countries would be running theirs similarly and that, in any case, in some sense “Europe” would bail them out. Interestingly, the era when Europe was strongest and most prosperous compared with the rest of the world was a period when it was divided into small states, which competed vigorously with one another. Let us not get this out of perspective. The EU is not an economic disaster – yet. But in economic terms it is a considerable disappointment to many of its supporters. And, internationally, it is an under-achiever. The rapidly growing countries of Asia do not look to the EU as an example; they regard it as showing what they need to avoid. What explains this under-performance? There are eight main reasons: • The EU’s designers put far too much importance on size alone as bringing benefits • In the process, they under-estimated the growth of the world economy outside the EU • They under-estimated the importance of good governance as the key to economic success • The agenda for harmonisation and regulation involved too much interference in business • The European social agenda with regard to labour laws and benefits was anti-business • Europe’s leaders paid insufficient attention to getting the basics of economic success right – unlike so many of their equivalents in Asia • They spent the EU’s funds badly • The very objectives of harmonisation and integration hid the consequence of bad economic policies and smothered the natural rivalry between countries that could have produced better economic performance Arguably, these failings would not necessarily have held back the European economy if it had already embarked on a dynamic growth path in a relatively stable world. However, the world of the last 20 years has been anything but stable. Two great revolutions have shaken the modern economy to its foundations – information technology and globalisation – and they required flexibility and adaptation. That is precisely what the institutions of the EU are bad at delivering, hence the EU’s relative decline. It is surely because the US adapted better to these forces that partly explains why it has recently outperformed the EU. Euro could still cause EUs disintegration As the EU has continued in sharp relative decline, the concentrated effort of the European elites should have been directed towards the requirements to raise productivity, employment and investment. Instead, European leaders have been obsessed by further harmonisation and integration, by treaty change and, of course, by that ultimate form of integration – the euro. The European single currency, the euro, has become the focus of European integration – and it could yet prove to be the cause of the EU’s disintegration. If this does indeed happen, it would be deeply ironic, for it was not imperative to have a single European currency. The enterprise was unnecessary and it was embarked on too early and with insufficient preparation. It was an integration too far and too soon. It is, therefore, the best example yet of bad decision-making in the EU. But, as with so much else, the bad decision did not emerge accidentally. Rather, it derived directly from the EU’s history and its essential nature. Much of what went wrong with the euro is now so well known that it is pointless to dwell on it. It is on why it went wrong, and what this tells us about the EU, that the euro saga has so much to teach us. And in these respects it may serve as a harbinger of dangers yet to come. It is easy to see why the formation of a single currency would be a key objective for those who wanted to unite Europe. There are some examples of different states using the same currency, but they are all cases of small countries sharing a currency, such as some of the Caribbean islands, or of a small country using a larger one’s currency without having any say in the issue or management of that currency; Panama’s use of the US dollar is an obvious example. However, I cannot think of any example of major states of roughly equal status sharing a common currency – apart from the members of the eurozone. The nineteenth-century Gold Standard is sometimes quoted as a counter-example, since it united umpteen different countries at fixed exchange rates. But it doesn’t really count, since the Gold Standard was not itself a currency, or even a system for managing currencies, but rather a regime that left countries in charge of their own economic and financial management, albeit with little room for manoeuvre if they wanted to stay in the system. Most importantly, the Gold Standard did not remove national sovereignty, not least because it was possible to suspend it or leave it, as the UK did twice, in 1914 and 1931. The danger in sharing your currency with a neighbour over which you have no control is that it will operate policies that will undermine the currency. These may cause either a spike in bond yields, a currency collapse, an upsurge of inflation or a banking crisis – or any combination of the four. That surely means that, if you are going to share your currency with other countries, you will reasonably demand some control over their fiscal (i.e. budgetary) and financial policies. And if one country is going to have oversight over another’s fiscal policy, how can that be done without also having some form of political union? Economies are not households So when the architects of monetary union put in place the single currency without arrangements for fiscal or political union, they were in fact constructing a halfway house. It was European integration lite. When the good ship euro set sail she was equipped for moderate winds and a calm sea. When she instead encountered the violent storm unleashed by the world financial crisis of 2008, she proved a most unseaworthy vessel. The problems of operating a single currency did not emerge at once. On the contrary, the launch of the euro in 1999 was a massive technical success and, for a time, the different economies seemed to be adjusting well to it. Then reality began to strike home, not suddenly, but stealthily. In all of these peripheral countries, costs and prices continued to rise faster than in the Germanic core of the union. They had always had this tendency, but the difference was that, in the past, the exchange rate had been able to depreciate to offset any lost competitiveness. Now the exchange rate safety valve had been closed off. The result was a huge loss of competitiveness in the periphery that manifested itself in large and growing current account deficits. Yet the euro elite seemed to subscribe to some equivalent of Brownian economics: there would not be a crisis because the euro had put an end to boom and bust. Having your own currency is not a panacea for all economic problems. Without an exchange rate to take the strain, how were the peripheral countries to regain competitiveness and restore growth while reducing their budget deficits? The orthodox European (and especially German) answer was through austerity. The trouble is that economies are not households. When person A cuts their spending, this reduces the income of person B, who cuts their spending and so on. All the while, GDP will be falling and the deficit may remain the same, or even get bigger. There was a second, more telling flaw. The idea was that austerity would not only improve the public finances but would also restore competitiveness, since the release of resources from the public sector as a result of spending cuts, as well as the reduction in private spending brought on by increased taxes, would reduce aggregate demand and increase unemployment. The resulting excess supply in the economy and increased pressure to win business and keep jobs would lower costs, prices and wages. This was straightforward deflation of the sort that had been tried (and found wanting) in the 1930s. This being the EU, however, if the politicians involved could not quite alter history or blot it out, they could at least give it a different name. They did: they called it “internal devaluation”. But the change of name did not make the process any less painful, or more effective. Euro has had a defaltionary bias Not everyone will agree the euro has been a failure. Some may assert that, as with everything else to do with the EU, the essence of the project is political. To a large extent this is true – certainly as regards its origins. However, this does not mean to say that the euro had been expected to incur huge economic costs. On the contrary, the progenitors of the euro did not favour it simply as the route to political union. They believed that it would boost economic performance, increase prosperity and create jobs. Writing about the prospective benefits of EMU in the Europe Quarterly in 1999, the late Wim Duisenberg, then president of the European Central Bank, said: “The introduction of the euro and the single monetary policy will result in higher economic growth in the euro area, while maintaining price stability.” As late as May 2008, the European Commission was still claiming that the currency union had been “a resounding success. It has brought economic stability, promoted economic and financial integration, generated trade and growth and [provided] a framework for sound and sustainable public finances.” In practice, the gains from reduced uncertainty over exchange rates and increased market size and efficiency have proved very small. Trade grew no faster between eurozone members than it did between members and non-members. Meanwhile, again in accordance with sceptics’ fears, costs and prices continued rising much faster in the historically high-inflation countries than in the German-led core. The result was very weak performance in the peripheral countries, thus, given only moderate performance of the core countries, making for poor performance overall. The euro has had a strong deflationary bias, with the pressures for adjustment entirely on the deficit countries. Far from bringing a jobs bonanza, it has led to appallingly high unemployment. This is exactly the criticism of the Gold Standard made by Keynes in the 1920s and 1930s. Euro has all faults of the Gold Standard The euro has proved to be a modern incarnation of the Gold Standard, with all its faults and few of its benefits. Between 1980 and 1998 the average annual economic growth of the area that we now call the eurozone was just over 2pc; from 1999 to 2012, it slipped to just under 1.5pc. One might think that, despite disappointing macroeconomic performance overall, at least the eurozone countries would have enjoyed greatly increased trade with each other. But since the creation of the euro, exports from eurozone economies to the non-eurozone have increased at a faster pace than exports to other members of the single currency bloc, for all member countries except Ireland. The countries of the eurozone are at a crossroads – and they know it. To make the currency work, they now have to press ahead with arrangements for fiscal and political union. However, that is not an easy assignment. Umpteen sovereign countries with different fiscal, political and parliamentary traditions have to agree on how each other’s fiscal policy should be run and on political institutions that will exercise this power, while being democratically accountable. This is all the more difficult because different member countries have different ideas about the role of the nation state. While Germany seems to be prepared to submerge its identity in some common Europeanness, this does not appear to be how France views its future. The euro shows EU decision-making at its worst, driven by national politics, horse-trading, considerations of national prestige and childlike visions of future European unity – with scant regard for economic reality. One of the most important issues to emerge from the analysis of this disaster, though, is what the euro’s survival or break-up would imply for the future growth of the EU. Could the end of the euro be part of the EU’s salvation? And if not, what could? The Trouble with Europe: Why the EU isn’t working – How it can be reformed – What could take its place by Roger Bootle (Nicholas Brealey Publishing, rrp £18.99) is available to order for £16.99 + £1.35 p&p from Telegraph Books on 0844 871 1515 or at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART TWO of the serialisation will be published on Monday at and in The Daily Telegraph
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 12:55:47 +0000

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