Current methods and ideas applied to charity aid is frustrating to - TopicsExpress


Current methods and ideas applied to charity aid is frustrating to me. These charity efforts are over applied to band-aid projects instead of root causes of the poor conditions of our needy citizens. Some of our charity efforts must be applied to solving the root causes of the need for charity such as Cold Weather Shelters (CWS) and the like. We must not just be satisfied with throwing money at overseas and local charity projects. We must also make political efforts that address the root causes of our citizen charitable needs along with the efforts of operating these local shelters and the like. We also must work at preventing citizens from falling into the need trap for charity and having the need to be helped in CWS. For example, running a CWS is a band-aid effort. Creating jobs for the needy citizens is not a band-aid effort because it will solve the lack of work issue that causes their need for CWS charity. As a second example, we must also create educational facilities for charitable use in training needy citizens for more successful employment. How do we solve the lack of jobs root issue? First we start be adjusting the tax laws to reward the rich and wealthy who make investments into projects that result in more job creation. Factories and the production of goods and housing will go along way toward the reduction of unemployed citizens needing charity. So we create laws that apply lower tax rates on investments that increase and improve domestic manufacturing for example. At the same time we can adjust the tax laws to require higher tax rates for those investments in stocks and overseas holdings that do nothing to solve our local need for charity. Lets redirect our charitable efforts to include work toward fixing the root cause and put our citizens back to work. Any of you possessing political and/or legal abilities but are serving on CWS committees are misapplying your efforts and should rethink your charity efforts. Lets put people back to work through local job creation efforts along with CWS charity efforts or youll never solve anything. :) BTW, did you know that class action lawsuits are being filed by CWS occupants against CWS operators? An important temporary measure is to require those needy citizens entering a CWS to sign a Writ of Release statement to protect CWS operators from lawsuits when all the CWS operators are doing is providing an improved condition to the needy. While not perfect CWS operations are better than no CWS at all. Stop the ungrateful consumers of charity from suing the CWS operators because they dont get enough free stuff. :(
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 02:03:29 +0000

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