Cursed Be the Man that Trusteth in Man We read in Jeremiah - TopicsExpress


Cursed Be the Man that Trusteth in Man We read in Jeremiah 17:5, “Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.” I marvel at the willingness of the victims of false religion, to follow the traditions of men, instead of the teachings of the Word of God (Mark 7:6-13). The problem is that people continue to believe the excuses and lies of their sinister ministers. If a soulwinning Christian tries to share the Word of God with a lost Catholic, that Catholic often counters with something their priest taught them. The priests advice might be total heresy; BUT, the victim will believe it, simply because the priest said it. The reason is because most people are trusting in MAN instead of GOD. Psalm 118:8 states, “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.” As an example, some Catholics try to justify vain repetitious prayers with Scriptures such as Matthew 26:44, “And he left them, and went away again, and prayed the third time, saying the same words.” But, asking God three times for the same thing, is very different than mumbling the same dead words (the Rosary) over and over for a lifetime. Furthermore, this was not the norm when Jesus prayed. There are times in our life where we will want to keep asking God for something; but, that is certainly not the same as mumbling the same WRITTEN, dead, repetitious, religious, words over and over. A Catholic repeats 52 “Hail Mary” in each DAILY Rosary prayer. Jesus clearly stated that the “heathen” pray with useless repetitions. Since Catholics claim that their repetitious Rosary prayers are not “vain repetitions”; then I ask, who was Jesus speaking about? Do you realize that a faithful Catholic who prayers the Rosary every day, will in a lifetime say “Hail Mary” well over 1,000,000 times!!! Think about it. And yet, not one mention is made of the name of Jesus Christ in the Rosary. Like it or not, the Word of God condemns formalized religion. It is abundantly clear that the nuns who are chanting the Rosary are praying with VAIN REPETITIONS. This is just one example of a manmade tradition, not taught anywhere in the Bible. The Rosary was invented in 1090 A.D. If you trust in man, you WILL be greatly disappointed at The Great White Throne of Judgment one day. If you trust upon Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, Jesus will not fail you (Romans 10:11). I plead with you as a loving friend, forsake the Great Whore of Catholicism, and turn to Jesus Christ alone! Follow the Word of God; not the religion of men, who make a living off of victims like you.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 03:09:45 +0000

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