:D MUST MUST MUST READ!!!!! (Article linked is Must read - TopicsExpress


:D MUST MUST MUST READ!!!!! (Article linked is Must read .............the rest is must read too and perhaps more important.......... but please read the article atleast :D ) EXTREMELY IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!!! (in my view) SHOWERING WITH COLD WATER IS MUCH MUCH MORE HEALTHIER THEN SHOWERING WITH WARM/hot WATER (yes! even in winter you should shower with cold water!) you will get, fat loss greater alertness of the mind and body improve your immune system(the system of your body that fights dis-eases) stress releif/cure for depression! Improved Blood Circulation Healthier SKin and Hair!! Better Tolerance to stress better sleep! AND MUCH MUCH MORE! More Articles:- (you can google for hundreds of them) islambaelah.blogspot/2011/06/benefits-of-bath-before-dawn-on-health.html bestislamicbooks.blogspot/2014/10/way-of-islamic-bathing.html Just speed read the article if you dont have time, Just read introduction,conclusion, all the headings and first 2 lines under each heading......and you will understand everything :D Question:- Why do people get sick showering with cold water in winter???? Answer:- Thats a psychological issue, everything psychological is biological (remember this), if you take a shower with the expectation of getting sick after it..........then congratulation! that is what you will get!! For your mind,everything you think is real, if you think of your own health degrading, and moving towards an un-healthier state, than your body will beleive it to be real........since its real, it will literally affect your biology and you will move to a sick state of health.............. (Example. for chichora party:- if its time for your girl freind to be online on facebook and you are about to start your computer and chat with her, you feel excited before even logging into facebook................why?............because you are expecting what will happen in future, and that is effecting you biologically,it increases your heart beat, certain chemicals,harmones and neuro-transmitters start firing up in your body and e.t.c For gamer party:- A new game just released I HAVE TO BUY/DOWNLOAD IT correct? you get quite excited and hyper just thinking about playing the game..... again, your psychology is effecting you biologically/physically. For Anime/Drama/Movie Watching Party:- ah! the new marvel avengers trailer just released or a sequel of naruto just got announced(yes, that is true)..........you get excited dont you??????????? just thinking about watching that movie............. how fun it could be...........................if you just........... got to see............. that new avenger movie...........right this instant.............................HD Graphics.....................in 3D.............iron man.................captain america..............hulk............fighting the enemy............ get what i mean? :D psychology effecting your state and your biology If your psychology can make you alert,excited,active by anticipating or expecting to see a movie,play a game..........then it can also weaken your body or it may weaken your immune system and more germs will attack your body making you sicker) Thats also scientific, its related to some topics such as THE PLACEBO EFFECT and THE BIOLOGY OF BELEIF TAKE HOME MESSAGE:- You have an amazing amazing body! it heals itself, it has an immune system that fights diseases perfectly,each second 10 million cells are thrown away and 10 million new cells are produced,in some years, your complete body is slowly thrown away bit by bit and you have a complete new body............. your body is literally LITERALLY under your command, if you beleive that you are going to be healthy, then you will be more healthier and active, if you beleive yourself to be sick, then you will become sick Everything psychological is biological!! Ill hopefully explain self healing later when i have the time, if you know the mechanics and concepts of self healing , you will In Shaa Allah never appear sick infront of anyone and you will cure yourself without medecine(all diseases, including cancer,chicken pocks and e.t.c)
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 17:23:24 +0000

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