DAC Asia Qualifiers [All Games best of 2] 12/01/2015 DK vs - TopicsExpress


DAC Asia Qualifiers [All Games best of 2] 12/01/2015 DK vs GGuard [Bet on DK] (Medium Risk) **GGuard are inconsistant and are struggling.Will go for DK here. BigGod vs Mineski [Bet on BigGod] (Medium Risk) **This game would be a draw lets see if they manage to 2-0 them. CDEC vs Speed.Cn [Yolo on Speed.](HighRisk) **CDEC are performing well but for this game high chances are there it could get drawn. Yolo small as it will reward good value. LAI vs EHOME [Bet on Ehome](Medium Risk) **EHOME had some issues yesterday i hope they will comeback harder go for EHOME on this 70%chance they would 2-0 it. CSW vs Speed.cn [bet on Speed] (Medium Risk) **Another draw game i would say 50 % chance to darw and 30 % chance to win in favor of Speed and 20 % in favor of CSW. LAI vs MiTH [Bet on LAI] (Medium Risk) **At worse MiTH could draw this dont think they have potential to 2-0 LAI. go on LAI.Can go big as its safe and at-least would be draw. CDEC vs HGT [Bet on CDEC](High Risk) **This is tough to predict as anyone can 2-0 any other team or could be a draw too. Risky game.I would say to SKIP it.but you like to take chances go for CDEC here. BigGod vs TongFu [Bet on BigGod](HighRisk) **i see it as a drawn game BigGod had some hiccups lets see how they perform in this tongfu had good day 1.Skip if needed .Would be a draw. EHOME vs IMG [Bet on EHOME] (HighRisk) **IMG is good at surprising people. They can snatch a game from EHOME if they catch them offgaurd with some different draft.Worse for EHOME it would be a draw.Go on EHOME. EHOME vs INVASION [Bet on EHOME](Low Risk) **Poor run of Invasion continues in DAC as as they are at 10th place in qualifiers wont see EHOME will throw this easy 2-0 for them. CDEC vs Mineski [Bet on Mineski](HighRisk) **This game would be a draw. Yolo small on Mineski as it can reward good value. LAI vs GGuard [Bet on LAI](HighRisk) **Again chances of this game getting tied are more but if you want to bet, i will bet it on LAI here. Yesterday out of 14 games, 10 games were predicted right and 4 Wrong i.e 71% accuracy. NaVi lost to PR was the worse part, but i did said that dont go all in. Hope you dont loose much and recover fast. My predictions are just my opinion and at the end of the day its you who have to decide by using all input whom to bet. Hope you all understand what i am trying to say as no game is a 100% win. **Liked my bet prediction and it helped you ? Support me by liking ,sharing and recommending to your friends. You can also Donate me dota items whatever you wish.To donate message me. HAPPY BETTING :D Disclaimer : Bet at your own risk and sense.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 04:56:57 +0000

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