DAILY DOSE HUMAN SCORPIONS AND OTHER ANIMALS This is a fun unfunny story. About us. One day a scorpion and a frog met on the banks of a river in spate. Said the scorpion to the frog, ‘Chief, I have to get to the other side, big business deal, can you swim me across, I’ll sit on your back. ‘ The frog thought for a moment and said, “Yeah but what if you sting me,Sir, then I’ll die.” “Why would I sting you,’said the scorpion, if you die so do I, that would be silly, right?” “Makes sense,” said the frog, “Okay jump on and hang tight.” And so they began their journey to the other side. Half way there the scorpion stung the frog in the back and as they both slithered into the water and began to drown the frog said, “Why did you do that, why did you, now we’ll both drown?” ‘Because,’ said the scorpion, ‘It is in my nature.’ That is the operative sentiment, it is in my nature. People are like that, too. We know the nasty ones, the ones who don’t wish us well ,those who take advantage and lie and cheat and hurt us, knife us behind our backs, conspire and betray, use and discard, the whole works. Because it is in their nature. They will not change. And the flaw lies in us that we let them into our lives again and again, never learning, never figuring out that they will string us. They can’t help that. All of us have folks like that littering up our life, forgiving, understanding, explaining their folly away, knowing full they will sting again. Yet, we let them drift back, ironically still disbelieving that we will become targets down the road. Is it our charity and generosity or plain stupidity that we allow the invasion of our peace of mind, that let’s us become victims when we know the sting is there, we can see it, we have even experienced it? You ask me, it is plain stupidity. Drop them, they’ll never take you to the other side.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 05:57:13 +0000

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