DAILY MERCY CAPSULE THURS 26/09/2013 FIGHT FOR YOUR HOME 1Tim 6:12; Eph5:22-28 The Bible says fight the good fight of faith. Fighting originally is a bad manner, but there is a good fight of faith the bible encourages us to engage in. At a time, Martin Luther King fought against racism and he won; that is a good fight. Apostle Paul encourages good fight like the fight for your home. In most homes we fight the man instead of the enemy behind the scene. The devil is fighting homes with many things and instead of forming forces together to fight the enemy, we fight ourselves, husbands to wife, parent to children. This fight is not a battle of our muscles, rather of our knees; we need to bend our knees to pray in fighting for our homes, business, ministry and destiny. If your home is not settled, you can’t be settled and composed. We talk more than we pray, that’s why we lose so many battles. WHY MUST YOU FIGHT FOR YOUR HOME 1. You fight for what you value: Anything you value, you can do anything to save it. Some women value their husband and that’s why they become jealous over their men. But instead of nagging them, pray for them 2. You fight because of the consequences of your silence: If you don’t see any reason to fight, your home may scatter and you may lose your home and children to the devil. The consequences of not fighting for your home are deadly. The devil knows the amount of spiritual power that God fearing homes commands in the spiritual realm so don’t be silent. THINGS YOU MUST NOT FIGHT Your wife: Your wife is not a witch, she may lack understanding; but don’t fight her over that, pray about it together Husband: Your husband is not a devil, neither is he wicked, he may be ignorant of the devil’s operation in his life, instead of fighting him, pray for God to open his eyes Children: the devil wants to snatch your children from you, and fighting them is one of the short cuts for the devil. Do you pray for them as much as you fight them? In-laws: You can’t be fighting my parent and expect me to live peaceably with you. Stop combating the man rather the enemy behind the scene. Your fighting can be by Prayer or by Caring PRAYER POINT: - Lord I thank You for the kind of home You have given to me. Every ungodly fight in my home, I command them to seize right now in Jesus name. BIBLE READING PLAN: 2Sam2:1-32; Prov.6:1-35; Jhn2:1-25
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 02:45:55 +0000

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