DAILY SCRIPTURE MESSAGE FROM THE REFINERS FIRE 9/11.......... 2014 ISAIAH 9:10-21 I.. Tomorrow is the 13th anniversary of September 11 2001. Americans went to work as normal, children went to day care and school a normal day....... at least for a few hours. Then HELL came to America or was it. Was it SATANs attack or GODS WRATH on an immoral current day SODOM and GOMMORAH. As I look at our country today I would say we have learned nothing from that day. As the horror of that day unfolded People began running to church, people suddenly found a need for GOD in their lives, but it was only temporary. As the body count rose the destruction realized, the politicians running to grab OPPORTUNITY to garner votes, and for a matter of weeks after the fact CHURCH seen unprecedented growth and then it was over. Life went back to normal. America was at war in Irag and everyone was happy, revenge was being meted out. But there was a problem. AMERICA LEARNED NOTHING FROM THE HORROR AND TRADGEDY. America FAILED to see the hand of GOD for turning our faces from the LORD, America FAILED to see GODS ANGER, America failed to feel GODS wrath and America has FAILED to see GODS HAND IS STILL OUT STREACHED AGAINST US. America has FAILED to see GOD IS TIRED OF AMERICAS REJECTION OF GOD, AMERICAS DEEP INVOLVEMENT IN IMMORALITY, AMERICAS STIFF NECKED ATTITUDE, ITS ARROGANCE AND ITS SINFUL PRIDE. GODS hand of wrath is still outstretched against us but we see it not. 1. Israel in 732 BC was a GOD blessed nation dedicated to GOD prosperous because of GOD. At peace with GOD and the nations. But in the northern areas Israel became proud vain and began worshipping other than GOD, turning their FACES from HIM, rejecting HIM denouncing GOD. 2. GOD sent a messenger named JACOB to bring the WORD of GOD to Israel to repent, turn back from their current course, turn back their face to GOD. 3. GOD told them not to rebuild what had been destroyed by philistine in 602 and the Philistines in 736 BC but in 722 BC Israel rejected GOD and in their PRIDE and STOUTNESS OF HEART SAID IN VERSE 9:10, THE BRICKS ARE FALLEN DOWN(twin towers) but we will build with hewn stones( stone cut and shaped by man). The sycamores are cut down but we will change them into cedars. II THE COMPARISON TO AMERICA AFTER 9/11 1. Sen. Edwards, Mayor Guiliani, and Governor Coumo like Israels fatal mistake said: we shall rebuild bigger and stronger and in fact Senator Edwards without knowing it PROPHESIED Israels pride and arrogance on America when he said TODAY WE, THE HEIRS OF THAT REVOLUTIOANRY SPIRIT OF DEFINACE, LAY THIS CORNORSTONE. Israel SAID, We will build with hewn stone, the sycamores are cut but we will change them to cedar. III THE MAP OF COMPARISON; 1. Israel was told NOT to rebuild where the bricks had fallen 1a America build on the site where the bricks had fallen 2. Israel defied GOD and rebuild the walls using HEWN stone. Hewn stone is not of GOD but cut, shaped, and polished by man 2a. The first act of Americas rebuilding was to cut from a mountain in upstate NY a MASSIVE RECTANGULAR BLOCK OF STONE biblically SPEAKEN A Gazit stone. b.The SECOND ACT of defiance was to set it at ground zero where the towers had fallen. 3. Israel definace: The sycamores are cut down but we will change them to cedar. The striking down of ISRAELS sycamore trees were a sign of NATIONAL JUDGMENT AMERICA: Ironically had an American sycamore found ONLY in the Northeast was planted and growing at the cornor of GROUND ZERO. b. AMERICAS JUDGEMENT: in the final moments of the towers collapse a steel beam broke loose fell and CRUSHED THE LONE SYCAMORE AT THE TWIN TOWERS c. AMERICAS DEFIANCE: Two years after the destruction of the American Sycamore, a new tree was planted on the EXACT site of the destroyed Sycamore BUT it was not another sycamore tree. IT WAS AN EVERGREEN TREE, it was the BIBLICAL EZRE TREE D.It was BIGGER AND STRONGER than the SYCAMORE TREE it replaced at ground zero. CONCLUSION: A SUMMARY OF DEFINACE: In AMERICAS defiance of GOD we have replaced the falling bricks with hewn stone, and replaced the sycamore tree with a stronger cedar tree. BOTH laid down as a PUBLIC EVENT the ultimate defiance before GOD ALMIGHTY who made America what it was. This points to the utterance of the vow in Isaiah 9:10 in the rebellious capitol: in this case WASHINGTON D.C Tomorrow: AMERICAS UTTERANCE AND THE ANCIENT VOW. Have a GOD BLESSED COWBOY DAY from the Refiners Fire/Pastor E. Patrick Anthony.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 15:48:19 +0000

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