DAILY SELF-EXAMINATION FOR RAPTURE READINESS – Series 1 (a.k.a. Examine Yourself Whether You Are Still In The Faith - 2 Cor. 13:5) • By Wells of Solace : Let us search out and examine our ways, and turn back to the Lord (Lam. 3:40) • Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting (Psa. 139:23-24) • “I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.” (Jer. 17:10) Are you still in the faith? 1. When last did you win a soul to Jesus or turn a person away from ungodliness unto the path of righteousness and godliness? Is the great commission from our Lord not important to you? Are you not worried that billions of souls are thronging into hell rapidly? Are you satisfied with only your own salvation and not that of others? How many of your family members, friends, colleagues and neighbors have you reached out to with the gospel of salvation? Do you not tremble at the thought of seeing your loved ones in hell if you were to visit hell? Is your sleep still sweeter than being on your knees for the salvation of souls? Are you not terrified at the thought of appearing in front of heaven’s gates and suddenly, the blood of a soul appears in your hands and after all your holiness, you just will not be allowed into heaven with blood in your hands? How many tears and screams for mercy will be sufficient to turn back the hands of time?? (Prov. 11:30; Dan. 12:3; Prov. 14:25; James 5:19-20; Ezek. 3:17-21). PLEASE, TEST YOURSELF!!! 2. Out of 24 hours in a day, how many hours do you spend praying; how many do you spend searching the scriptures; how many do you spend reaching out to others for Jesus or turning others onto the path of righteousness? How many hours do you spend sleeping? How many hours do you spend eating or preparing to eat? How many do you spend pursuing your education, profession or flesh? How many hours do you spend watching television, attending events and pursuing your hobbies? PLEASE CALCULATE!! If you add up all the time you spend for yourself against all the time you spend for Jesus, is the time for yourself more than the time for Jesus? Are you just expecting the rapture to take place or are you truly PREPARING FOR THE RAPTURE??? Is Jesus not coming for those who are sold out to Him completely? (Matt. 22:37-38; Matt. 10:38). EXAMINE YOURSELF!!! 3. Please check your total income in a month! How much of that is spent on the things and work of the Master? How much of that is spent on yourself and the lusts of the flesh? Is the amount you spend for Jesus and the Kingdom’s sake more than what you spend for yourself? Can you sincerely and wholeheartedly claim to be a SERVANT of God and a disciple of Christ? Are you truly the waiting BRIDE of Christ!!!! (Matt. 6:19-21, 24-33). SEARCH YOUR LIFE!!!! 4. When you invite a soul to your church, do you ensure that the Pastor knows that you were the one who invited the soul, so that your pastor can praise you and mention your name from the pulpit to boost your reputation in the eyes of other members? Do you still indulge in self-seeking? (Rom. 2:8; James 3:14, 16). SCRUTINIZE YOUR HEART!!! 5. When you give in your church do you ensure that the church members see and know what you are giving? (Matt. 6:1). Do you secretly still yearn for the praise of men? (John 12:43). INSPECT YOUR MIND?? 6. Have you truly been crucified with Christ? Have you truly died to self? Have you decreased so that Christ might increase? Are you denying yourself daily, picking up your cross daily and following Jesus or is your flesh still seeking to ‘show-off’ and please itself? (Gal. 2:20; John 3:30; Matt. 10:38; 16:24). Do you know that, No self-denial, No Rapture??? ANALYZE THE THOUGHTS OF YOUR HEART!!!! 7. When someone insults you; do you get upset; do you take off your garment of holiness, lash out and insult the person right back; and then attempt to quickly wear your now-stained garment back again as if you were justified to act that way, or with the thought that you will repent later? Have you not come to the end of yourself yet? Should your flesh not have been totally crucified with Christ by now? Does the dead get easily offended? Is gentleness not a fruit of the spirit? (Eph. 4:26; Rom. 6:6-23; Gal. 5:22-23). SEARCH YOUR HEART!!! 8. Are you a true soldier and disciple of Jesus? Do you still own your time, your money, your body; or have you completely surrendered your all to Jesus? Do you know that, NO total surrender, No Rapture??? (1 Cor. 9:27; 2 Tim. 2:3-4; Luke 14:27). EXAMINE YOUR LIFE!!!! 9. How much time do you spend dressing up to please others? Do you spend most of your time adorning and admiring yourself in the mirror, taking pictures and splashing them on facebook? Do you realize how many people plunge into hell every second you waste on worthless activities? Does the Master’s work mean nothing to you? CAN GOD SEARCH YOU AND FIND YOU INNOCENT??? 10. Are you still subtly boastful and full of yourself? Is your boast in the Lord or against the Lord? Do you boast in yourself, in evil or in men? Do you use your spiritual gifts to threaten specific people when they offend you? Do you lash out at them and say, ‘I will place a curse on you if you do such and such”? (James 4:16; Prov. 23:1; Psa. 5:5; 52:1; 75:4; 94:4; Ezek. 35:13). TEST YOURSELF!!!! 11. Are you sensitive to the needs of those around you or are you blinded by your pursuit of heaven that you have completely ignored those around you who need help? Are love, goodness and kindness not fruits of the Spirit? (Prov. 14:31; Isa. 58:6-11; Matt. 25:35-36). EXAMINE YOUR HEART!!! 12. Do you consult the Master before taking decisions or are you wise in your own eyes? Have you leaned unto your own understanding instead of seeking the Lord before taking any step whatsoever? Are you completely yielded to the Holy Spirit? In all the actions and decisions you take in a day, how many are Holy Spirit-led and inspired? Or do you wrongly believe that God takes too much time to answer and to give His consent; therefore, you cannot keep waiting? (Prov. 3:5-10). SCRUTINIZE YOUR PURSUITS!!!! 13. Who truly is your Master – you, your husband, your friends, your mind, your professional connections or the Lord Jesus? TEST YOURSELF!!!! 14. Do you exaggerate and then rationalize that your exaggeration is still closer to the truth than to lying? Do you for instance claim you have many shirts when indeed you have just 3 shirts? Do you, for instance, claim you are a very busy person when indeed you don’t have a job or occupation but only spend two hours in a day helping your mum with errands after which you retire to your room to watch cartoons the rest of the day, just so that you can escape the jeer of your friends? Do your exaggerations mean nothing to you? (Prov. 13:5; Gen. 25:32)SEARCH YOURSELF!!!! 15. Do you avoid people who correct you and sideline them? Do you secretly begin monitoring the person to see when he will do wrong too, so that you can correct him too just to prove that no one is above mistake and so that you can justify/pacify your flesh? (Prov. 12:1; 10:18) LOOK INTO YOUR HEART!!!! CAN THE LORD SAY OF YOU: “”I have not observed iniquity in (INSERT YOUR NAME), nor have I seen wickedness in (INSERT YOUR NAME)”” (Num. 23:21) • If guilty in any way, please REPENT now and ask the Lord to re-circumcise and re-sanctify your soul and body; and make you a living sacrifice to Him, truly ready for the rapture (1 John 1:9)!!!!! • For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged (1 Cor. 11:31-32) • There is NO condemnation to ONLY those in Christ who DO NOT walk according to the flesh, BUT according to the Spirit. SO LIVE AND WALK IN THE SPIRIT ALWAYS!! (Rom. 8:1) Be HOLY at heart, in and on your body and in works – in secret and in public. The Bridegroom is at the door! May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be multiplied to you as you humbly submit yourself to the Lord Jesus!!!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 18:16:34 +0000

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