DAILY SPIRITUAL FOOD; CONTINUE IN THE LORDS DOCTRINES. Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine.Continue in them,for in doing this you will save yourself and those who hear you.1 Timothy 4;16 Friends, the days are evil and the devil and its agents are on the prowl knowing fully well that the time is up.They are perfecting strategies to unleash evils,pains and sufferings upon heaven- bound christian believers so as to distract and divert them from their chosen course of making heaven. Brethren,please let us not give in to the antics /wiles (corrupted wisdom of satan) and his demonic messengers. God has made good provision for our victory over the plans of the enemy against our heavenly race.(Ephesians 6;10-18,2 Corinthians 10;3-7) Let us read ,pray and apply the instructions of Gods word into our christian lives ,on daily basis, and we will remain eternal victors over satan and his tricks. Do not be caught unawares ,and be be prepared to discern properly the true voice of God in the midst of competing claims and counter claims of self professed Christianity //let the pure ,undiluted word of God form the standard or plumbline for measuring the true voice of God. Jesus warned us in Matthew chapter twenty four that false Christs,prophets and teachers would arise to confuse ,deceive and if possible distract/divert the faith true christian believers.(Matthew 24;4,5,11,-14,24--38) If we continue with undiluted doctrines/teachings of Christ we stand a golden chance to win this heavenly race set before us. My son,do not forget my laws,but let your keep my commands;For length of days and long life and peace they will add to you.proverbs 3;1-2 my son,if sinners entice you,do not consent.but whoever listens to me will dwell safely,and will be secure,without fear of evil. proverbs 1;10,23 May we continue to heed to Gods instructions and warning as presented to us in His holy Scriptures, so we can remain victorious in our christian walk with the Lord in Jesus name//AMEN// More grace in Jesus sacred name,Amen// God bless// Pastor Martins Okonkwo
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 12:45:08 +0000

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