DATED SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 2015 This edition is designed to; - TopicsExpress


DATED SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 2015 This edition is designed to; hopefully, GET THE ATTENTION OF THE READER! Many ARE SURE they are immune to backsliding; some even declare this is something that modern believers CANNOT do! It is a waste of time to attempt to correct any mindset! However, eternity might do the trick for some which think in any erroneous way! Even so, whether we stand, or fall, is all about thinking and belief systems! These produce actions and deeds bring results . . . for good or not so fine! A while back someone asked “WHEN WILL THE GREAT FALLING AWAY BEGIN!” Stop and think . . . if you know your bible, you realize the first rebel WAS AN ANGEL. This one was FIRMLY SET in God’s blue heaven! Greed, or something akin to self-indulgence, changed his focus, and as a result he set his sights on the position held by God! Prior to his making his mission the taking God’s seat, lucifer WAS FLAWLESS . . . but he; I hate to say it, FELL AWAY from his first position! This was the first instance of FALLING AWAY. This angel instigated the process of FALLING AWAY! SOMETHING HAD TO BE DONE! Apparently God did not lift a finger; another ANGEL did what was required! So . . . Michael took lucifer by the seat of his britches, and the collar of his toga, and tossed him OUT! The Revelation provides insight about the goings on in 12:7-9 KJV THERE WAS WAR IN HEAVEN: MICHAEL AND HIS ANGELS FOUGHT AGAINST THE DRAGON; AND THE DRAGON FOUGHT AND HIS ANGELS, AND PREVAILED NOT; NEITHER WAS THEIR PLACE FOUND ANY MORE IN HEAVEN. AND THE GREAT DRAGON WAS CAST OUT, THAT OLD SERPENT, CALLED THE DEVIL, AND SATAN, WHICH DECEIVES THE WHOLE WORLD: HE WAS CAST OUT INTO THE EARTH, AND HIS ANGELS WERE CAST OUT WITH HIM. Without controversy the devil FAILED UP THERE! And in this sphere, he is known by several aliases. Anyway, he found himself in a different realm, but alas, a new species had been given an incredible domain to govern and care for. The snake was a creep and Adam could have controlled him! The sneaky snake did not want to fall short again . . . so he sat back and analyzed the situation! Consequently, we must also examine Adam as he was first created and the authority he was given! AND GOD SAID, LET US’ MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE, AFTER OUR LIKENESS AND LET THEM HAVE DOMINION OVER THE FISH OF THE SEA, AND OVER THE FOWL OF THE AIR, AND OVER THE CATTLE, AND OVER ALL THE EARTH, AND OVER EVERY CREEPING THING THAT CREEPS UPON THE EARTH. SO GOD CREATED MAN IN HIS OWN IMAGE, IN THE IMAGE OF GOD CREATED HE HIM; MALE AND FEMALE CREATED HE THEM. Many important issues are cited here! In “our image” is translated from the Hebrew tselem salem. Similarly, the line, “after our likeness,” means something akin to “resemblance.” This thought comes from the Hebrew demuwth dem-ooth’ which implies, “like us.” These two words are often taken as synonyms, but they have different meanings! We need to grasp the truth of this passage! God decided to make Adam, somewhat, like Himself. NO OTHER PART OF CREATION CAN CLAIM THIS WONDERFUL FACT! This may seem to be needless reiteration, but only man, among all the others, was made, to be, similar to God! In Genesis 2:7 we read: AND THE LORD GOD FORMED MAN OF THE DUST OF THE GROUND, AND BREATHED INTO HIS NOSTRILS THE BREATH OF LIFE; AND MAN BECAME A LIVING SOUL. Genesis 2:7. The facts have not been made clear, by the translations, into modern speech! Nevertheless, the Greek makes the condition of Adam crystal clear. God’s LIFE (Zoë) was THE ONLY MOTIVATING FACTOR IN THE ORIGINAL ADAM! Furthermore, I trust, we are aware, GOD’S CHARACTER IS FLAWLESS! There is more to the story but we cannot detail this just now! Even so we must focus on the various forms of life. We now know about Zoë. Then Bios was a factor as was Psuche. Obviously bios is biological and Psuche is soul power or the power of the mind and personality! Even so Zoë was the only motivating force which ruled Adam, in his body, soul-personality, and the inner man, which was his spirit! Aw, but there is yet another term which describes a variant form of life, it is the Greek expression Anastrophe. Okay so what is ANASTROPHE? THIS LIFE STYLE IS NOT SO FAVORABLE! Also, it is somewhat, veiled, in our Authorized Bible! In any event, it is ANASTROPHE! The way to try and say this one is an-as-trof-ay! Commentators declare this equates behavior, or conversation! This, in old English conversation, also meant deportment, the manner of living, or life style! The core meaning of anastrophe is CONFUSED or ABERRANT LIVING! Adam had no “anastrophe” until the snake was through with him! Prior to that he was dedicated to God, and lived biologically, and personality wise, in agreement with the God which created him! Unfortunately, and we now recognize the fact, an enemy was looking to snatch Adam’s privileges away. Old sneaky messed with Adam’s lady and his mind! He changed the way he thought and voila . . . he lost out! He is after your position, in Christ, as well. Guard your mind and thinking. Make God’s Word your standard and settle for no other! Take note, Anastrophe found its origin in God’s blue heaven! I am trying ever so hard to NOT ALLOW anyone, not my pastor, my denomination, or any other entity to tell me what to believe. Thanks Walt for pointing me in that direction! I know, I promised details concerning Bishops and Priests. We will get there if I am still breathing and able to share!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 04:01:24 +0000

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