DAY 10 OF THE 40 DAY PRAYER CHALLENGE—CRAZY FAITH. CRAZY LOVE. Praying for my BBC Family! Praying for your Greater Success, Greater Influence, Greater Power, Greater Protection In Christ! Praying for “AGPMA U” like Jabez prayed and the “CRAZY WOMAN OF FAITH”. Praying for God’s Will To Be Done “IN CHRIST”! CHECK OUT JABEZS CRAZY FAITH 1 CHRONICLES 4:9-10 THE MESSAGE Jabez was a better man than his brothers, a man of honor. His mother had named him Jabez (Oh, the pain!), saying, “A painful birth! I bore him in great pain!” Jabez prayed to the God of Israel: “Bless me, O bless me! Give me land, large tracts of land. And provide your personal protection—don’t let evil hurt me.” God gave him what he asked. CHECK OUT THIS WOMANS CRAZY FAITH IN LUKE 18:5 “This woman is driving me crazy.” He told them a parable, urging them to keep praying and never grow discouraged. The parable went like this: Jesus: 2 There was a judge living in a certain city. He showed no respect for God or humanity. 3 In that same city there was a widow. Again and again she kept coming to him seeking justice: “Clear my name from my adversary’s false accusations!” 4 He paid no attention to her request for a while, but then he said to himself, “I don’t care about what God thinks of me, much less what any mere human thinks. 5 But this widow is driving me crazy. She’s never going to quit coming to see me unless I hear her case and provide her legal protection.” 6 Did you catch what this self-assured judge said? 7 If he can be moved to act justly, won’t God bring justice for His chosen people when they cry to Him day and night? Will He be slow to bring them justice? 8 Mark My words: God will intervene fast with vindication. But here’s the question: when the Son of Man comes, will He find anyone who still has faith? Luke 18:1-8 The Voice Jesus emphasizes that the kingdom of God will not come through valiant efforts but as people pray, “may Your kingdom come,” with persistence and with humility. How desperate are you for the blessing, the breakthrough, the miracle? Desperate enough to pray through the night? Desperate enough to pray daily for 40 days or until God answers your prayer? How long will you knock on the door of opportunity? Until your knuckles are raw? Until you knock the door down? Now don’t just pray about it. Act on it! There are defining moments in life when we need to prove to God that we mean business—“not business as usual.” Not same ol’ same ol’. In fact, it’s only when “business as usual” goes out of business that we’re in business—we’re in the Father’s business. That’s when we’re on the verge of breakthrough in the name of Jesus. Bold prayers honor God and God honors Bold prayers. There is a pattern repeated in scripture: crazy miracles are the offspring of crazy faith. Normal begets normal. Crazy begets crazy. If we want to see God do crazy miracles, sometimes we need to pray crazy prayers. With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, Ephesians 6:18 (NASB) Don’t just pray about it; act on it. SEE IT. SAY IT. SEIZE IT. PRAY WITHOUT CEASING IN CRAZY FAITH! Yes Lord, Praying for my BBCs & for “AGPMA U” like Jabez and the “CRAZY WOMAN OF FAITH”, Praying for our hearts and desires to be right and for God’s Will To Be Done “IN CHRIST”! JOIN US IN PRAYING LIKE JABEZ PRAYED TO BE BLESSED INDEED. Jabez was a better man than his brothers, a man of honor. His mother had named him Jabez (Oh, the pain!), saying, “A painful birth! I bore him in great pain!” Jabez prayed to the God of Israel: “Bless me, O bless me! Give me land, large tracts of land. And provide your personal protection—don’t let evil hurt me.” God gave him what he asked. 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 (MSG) Hawk Nelson - Faithful - Lyrics https://youtube/watch?v=PJWzEDj3qIM
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 09:50:07 +0000

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