DAY 29 its time to dine on his we pray for: Nigeria - TopicsExpress


DAY 29 its time to dine on his we pray for: Nigeria Maldives Jordan & Senegal NIGERIA, WEST AFRICA An attack by more than 5,000 Fulani Islamists killed at least 36 and displaced over 6,000. Countless remain missing. John Ngbede, Benue State Commissioner for Works and Transport, says, “The attackers are burning down houses, farmlands, and many are also being killed.” The extremists face little opposition because they greatly outnumber Nigerian security forces. According to lawmaker Sule Audu, “The attackers are over 5,000 spread across all the communities and unleashing terror on my people without resistance. What can less than 40 soldiers on the ground do to stop armed invaders numbering up to 5,000?” Pray for peace in Nigeria. Ask God to shield His Church in Nigeria from violence and bloodshed. Pray for Nigerian Believers to stand strong in their faith during this difficult time (The Bible, Joshua 1:9). MALDIVES, SOUTH ASIA Abdulla Yameen won the presidential election with 51.3 percent of the vote. In a speech, Yameen promised to focus on unemployment and the economy. “It’s now time to bring peace, the people have decided. It’s now time for development,” Yameen said. Praise God for a peaceful election in Maldives. Pray for President Yameen to believe in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and seek God’s counsel in leading the country. Pray for Maldivian Believers to boldly share their faith with their families, friends, and neighbors (The Bible, Romans 6:23). JORDAN, MIDDLE EAST The king of Jordan, King Abdullah II, instructed the government to study and prepare a plan on how to implement and promote human rights in his kingdom. Human Rights Watch says, Jordanian authorities increasingly resorted to force, arrests, and politicized charges to respond to continuing demonstrations demanding political and economic reform. Pray for King Abdullah to have much wisdom in running his country and caring for his people. Pray that Jordan would increase human rights in places where they are not strong. Pray for the churches. They have some freedoms but would like to have more freedom to share about Jesus Christ (The Bible, John 8:36). SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA The Senegalese government and the separatist group The Casamance Movement of Democratic Forces (MFDC) reached an agreement on the timeframe and agenda for peace talks. The peace negotiations are an attempt to end a 30-year rebellion. Father Angelo Romano, a peace mediator, believes “it is an important step towards peace.” Pray for the peace talks to move forward successfully. Pray for amity and reconciliation in the Casamance region of Senegal. Pray for the Senegalese Church to share the Gospel in Casamance (The Bible, Hebrews 12:14).
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 01:43:40 +0000

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