DAY 4: (1) FRIENDS/FANS: I want to give thanks to our Almighty - TopicsExpress


DAY 4: (1) FRIENDS/FANS: I want to give thanks to our Almighty Heavenly Father this morning for what Hes done for me. I had one of the BEST days of my life yesterday. Oh, my heart was so filled with joy at the end of the day and I cant help but to give God all the praise. My spirit was so at peace that, when I got home, fell straight asleep. For some time now it seemed I was losing a case; a situation that I couldnt even talk about. But yesterday, God turned it all around in my favor. I went somewhere yesterday and my trip there and back took more than 4 hours (just in the traffic) when the normal time for that distance to and fro is about 57 minutes even if theres traffic jam. At one point, I wanted to return home when I realized the traffic wasnt being very helpful. But I had to be there, so I waited and waited in the traffic, especially since what I was going for was VERY IMPORTANT and I HAD TO BE THERE. I just kept hearing the voice saying: You cant turn back now... Youve already come so far. Its been so long since youve waited for this day. Just be patient. Everythings going to be just fine. Friends, indeed our God is so good! At the end of the day, everything went just fine as He had promised and Im so very grateful to the Lord for helping me to make it there safely and back with the BEST NEWS EVER! I am so grateful, I just dont have the adequate words to express how I feel right now. Oh God, how GREAT Thou art! Your promises are SO SURE, no matter how bad things may seem! Your GRACE is sufficient for me no matter how small it may look. And Your mercies endureth forever, no matter how long it may take. I will always trust and depend on You no matter what. Thank You Father! (2) Im grateful for the opportunity to share Gods love with others each day. It may seem like no one is paying attention, but whenever I receive a feedback from someone thanking me for whatever they had read from my timeline, it makes me feel humbled and very grateful. All glory to our God! (3) Im also grateful for people who try to complicate things for me by trying so hard to make life difficult for me. The more they see my abilities same to be fading, thats the more I see Gods capabilities and POWER in delivering His children; even me. My abilities may seem to be fading or failing, but Gods capabilities are unimaginable and abilities are immeasurable and unimaginable. Im grateful for that and Im PATIENT... NEVER in a rush! For His time is always the BEST. Today, I nominate Joan Benain, Walter Okyere Twumasi, Mabel Adu Gyamfi, Arway-Bleh Hare and Mama Elizabeth Yaa Adutwumwah Abrokwah to share 3 things you are thankful to God for in 5 consecutive days and nominate at least 3 people each day throughout this positive challenge. Let others see what God has done for you and know that He can do the same for them as well, if they trust in Him. Thanks to you all. God bless...
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 09:51:47 +0000

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