DAY 6 OCTOBER 2014 Theme: ALL OF GODS RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE WERE TROUBLED, IN GREAT FEAR OF WHAT WAS ABOUT TO HAPPEN TO THEM. THEY PREPARED FOR DEATH, BUT THEY CRIED OUT TO GOD FOR HELP. IN THE DREAM THEIR PRAYER WAS ANSWERED BY A GREAT RIVER WHICH CAME FLOWING OUT OF A SMALL SPRING. [ESTHER (GREEK TEXT) A: 8-10 GNT]. ESTHER (Greek text) A: 1-11 1 Mordecai, a Jew who belonged to the tribe of Benjamin, was taken into exile, along with King Jehoiachin of Judah, when King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia captured Jerusalem. Mordecai was the son of Jair, a descendant of Kish and Shimei. He now lived in the Persian city of Susa, where he was an important official in the royal court of Xerxes the great king. During the second year of Xerxes reign, on the first day of the month of Nisan, Mordecai had a dream. 4 He dreamed that there was great noise and confusion, loud thunder, and an earthquake, with terrible turmoil on the earth. 5 Then two huge dragons appeared, ready to fight each other. 6 They made a dreadful noise, and all the nations got ready to make war against Gods nation of righteous people. 7 For the world it was a day of darkness and gloom, trouble and distress, destruction and ruin. 8 All of Gods righteous people were troubled, in great fear of what was about to happen to them. They prepared for death, 9 but they cried out to God for help. In the dream their prayer was answered by a great river which came flowing out of a small spring. 10 The day dawned, the sun rose, and the humble people were made strong and destroyed their arrogant enemies. 11 Mordecai woke up from this dream in which he saw what God planned to do. He thought about it all day and tried to understand what it meant. GNT ESTHER (Greek text) 1:1-3 1 These things happened in the time of King Xerxes, who ruled 127 provinces, all the way from India to Ethiopia, from his royal throne in Susa, Persias capital city. [GNT]. The Bible Book of Esther in the Greek text starts off with Mordecais ancestral background and thats a lot more significant. This ancestral background better explains the prejudice and hate with which Haman a descendant of Agag would come to seek not just the downfall of Mordecai a descendant of Saul but the destruction of all Jews under Persian rule; because Saul had disobeyed Gods command given to him through the prophet Samuel to visit destruction on all the Amalekites (following the persistent relentless attacks of Amalek on Israel from the days of Moses the man of God) as recorded in 1 Samuel 15, a day would certainly come when a descendant of Agag king of Amalek (Haman) would desperately seek and ruthlessly pursue an open agenda for the destruction of all Jews from the very heights of power, then all Israel shall see the foresight in Yahwehs commandments. Mordecai would prove the kindness and loyalty of a Jew while Haman proves the cruelty and treachery of an Amalekite at the very center of the epic power play and struggles that would arise to overwhelm the whole empire; together, they would help to prove in the full glare of all the uprightness of Yahweh in giving His commandments. The Bible Book of Esther in the Greek text equally provides an exclusive account of Mordecais dream to mean he was shown in a dream beforehand what would happen, so Gods people would not be completely taken unawares by what was about to happen and they would know what to do when it did happen. In the dream, two opposing dragons fought in the physical realm (as did the two opposing forces of good and evil in the spiritual realm) so that the ground beneath them shook with the violence, and these two dragons represent Mordecai the Jew and Haman the Amalekite. In the dream also, a great river came flowing out of a small spring, and that represents Esther who rose from a very humble background as a poor adopted orphan girl to a place and position of great prominence as Queen in the empire and ruled in the kings name. In the dream, finally, it was in answer to the prayers of Gods People that Esther arose this miraculously and mediated their deliverance and triumph. Prayer, certainly, was not the only thing they did, but everything else they did drew meaning, power and impact from prayer! Have you received revelations from God yourselves, People of God? Have you believed Gods messages to you today and gone back to your place of prayer?
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 08:13:14 +0000

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