DAY ONE OF THE ANIME CHALLENGE! 1 - The Very First Anime You - TopicsExpress


DAY ONE OF THE ANIME CHALLENGE! 1 - The Very First Anime You Watched? Without counting Pokemon, or Card Captors, my first animes were Tenchi Muyo and Dragonball Z. The reason why I don’t really count Pokemon or Card Captors is because they were on basic Network TV stations when I watched them, so to me they were just cartoons. And neither got me into looking more into other anime shows. But they do both get honorable mentions. And despite how childish the franchise might seem (except to those who still play the games) I personally think the very first seasons of Pokemon back when there were 150 known pokemon were actually really good. Card Captors, despite the version I saw was the one that was cut to bits for kids in America, was also a really decent show as well. And is technically my first Magical Girl anime. (Not even Sailor Moon gets that honor. XD That’s right folks, I’ve never seen an episode of Sailor Moon! The most of it I’ve seen are from a few bits of one of the movies, and whatever stuff Nostalgia Critic put in his review of the show.) But um…onto talking about my first impressions of my first two “legit” anime shows! Dragonball Z was something my brother and his friends were into watching. So naturally while I was growing up and spending a lot of time in the company of my brother and his friends, I would see parts of the show. The first time I was really aware of Dragonball Z was when my brother and his friend were watching the first DBZ movie, “The Dead Zone” and kept rewinding and rewatching certain parts. (Can’t recall what they were, probably action scenes.) I was trying to finish some homework, but I would look up from time to time. However, it wasn’t until we moved to our current home when I was 12 going on 13 that I actually took some time to sit down and watch actual episodes. I saw it while flipping through cable channels (because back then having cable was only starting to become less of a household luxury) and made sure to remember to tell my brother about it. During this time, our parents were getting a divorce, so the two of us were sticking together more often and the show – to me anyways – felt like it helped us bond during that time. My brother would fill me in on the details I missed out on since we started following the show during the Androids and Cell Saga. But eventually it went back to the Frieza saga episodes, and there was one episode in particular that finally got me hooked on DBZ. The 76th episode, “Piccolo’s Return” which features a certain green fellow. After watching that episode, I was officially a fangirl for Piccolo. And this also helped kick up one of my favorite fanservice things: xenophilia Ahh…you never forget the one who was your first, am I right girls? I still remember being in like…I wanna say 7th grade…and feeling giddy about Toonami airing Dragonball episodes for the first time, because I knew they were going to show Piccolo when he was younger. I was really anxious about getting to learn more of my favorite character’s history…and of course see him as a cute fat baby. Okay sorry. I’m done being creepy. For now… Nowadays I’m not as monogamous of a fangirl as I once was as young teen. When you’ve been watching anime for over a decade it kind of happens. Most might even think I’ve shoved him aside to put Nappa up for first place in favorite top 3 DBZ characters. (Third one’s Raditz btw.) That’s mostly because for a long time, waaaay before DBZ Abridged came out, Nappa was a pretty overlooked and neglected character. But I’ll save my Nappa essay response for another day. Onto the Tenchi series! The first time I saw an episode of a Tenchi series happened by chance. It just happened to be on around the house of my brother’s best friend, because they enjoyed Cartoon Network’s Toonami. They had gone out of the room for one reason or another and I caught the last several minutes of the episode “Ryoko’s Big Date” from Tenchi in Tyoko. While I currently dislike the Tokyo series compared to the rest, that episode is one of the rare episodes from the spin off that was actually really good. When I caught the end of this episode I didn’t know anything about the characters I was watching. I didn’t even know the show’s name! But I got connected to Ryoko well enough to get “the feels” at the end of the episode when… *SPOILER ALERT!* …she catches him kissing Sakyua right after their date. (That little Mary-sue…oh you’ll have your day too Sakuya. You will have your day in this challenge!) So…probably a good year or two later, I saw another Ryoko featured episode, and again, it was another “feels” episode coming from the show, Tenchi Univierse. The episode was, “No Need for Ryoko” where it seems like **SPOILER ALERT AGAIN!** she dies. Again, had no idea about the characters’ backgrounds or what was really going on in the story, but what little I saw pulled me in emotionally, and I wanted to know what happened next. So I got started on watching the Tenchi series too. And I came to love the show as much as I did Dragonball Z for many years. Probably not going to surprise anyone by saying Ryoko became my favorite female character on the show, and to this day is still the one I ship with Tenchi. In later years to come it would also seem like I’ve kicked Ryoko to second or even third place on my top three favorites from Tenchi for Ayeka and Mihoshi. Again though, this is because I later on saw more interesting parts of these characters that were ignored by most of the fanbase. And also cuz I saw potential for them as crack!pairings with my second and third favorite DBZ characters for fanfics so yeah. There was another show I started to watch around the same time, but I started watching it after DBZ and Tenchi. So it also just gets an honorable mention because it didn’t have as much of an impact on my anime tastes as much as Dragonball Z and Tenchi did. This show is Outlaw Star. It’s a real interesting anime too, and not much talked about. Though last year at AX I saw some actual cosplayers, and found the (incomplete) figure of the ship and bought it. So there’s a really long response to what my first anime shows were, and my first impressions and what characters pulled me into the series! (Well, two of them anyways…) Meant to post this up a lot sooner since there’s 30 days in September. Too bad I missed a day. XD At least it was the first day so technically I’m not late! Tomorrow’s question now is a real tough one to answer. Were it manga it’d have been easier. Actually, a lot of these questions would be easier if they were about manga!! XD I’ll repost the picture of the challenge meme in each of my responses in case anyone gets interested in wanting to do this too! :D See you again tomorrow for Day 2 of THE 30 DAY ANIME CHALLENGE!!!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 05:22:36 +0000

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