DECEMBER GLOBAL COMMUNION SERVICE WITH PASTOR CHRIS - Sunday December 7, 2014. Prayer, Praise and Worship Session. Question and Answer section. Question 1. In the manifestations of Jesus to various individuals in different appearances, is it actually Jesus since the Bible shows that He is in Heaven? Answer: Jesus does not have to leave heaven to manifest himself anywhere. Through the Holy Spirit, he can reveal himself to anyone at anytime around the world; it is one of the peculiar characteristics of the holy spirit. Therefore those who saw Jesus did see him, but by the power of the Holy Spirit. Understand that the holy spirit has his own distinct personality. The holy spirit makes the presence of the father real to us today. Thats why the Christians talk about the trinity. There are three distinct personalities, but you will never find the father separate from Jesus and the holy spirit. The holy spirit is the one who takes Gods presence to everywhere. There are things we will never be able to comprehend with our mind. Question 2. As a new creation, should I celebrate my biological birthday or only the day I accepted salvation? Now that I am born again am i suppose to celebrate my birthday since am born again, am i not suppose to celebrate the day i was born again. Answer: Celebrate both, there are no days important to God. No date on earth is significant in heaven. The dates are structured on earth. You have to understand that and it will be significant to you. You can chose any day for your celebration because in heaven, no dates have meaning. You can chose if you want to have any celebration at all. You chose the day you want to mark something. When you chose that date, the Lord will honor it. Why do we pick sunday for worship, because the early church chose that date, not because the Lord required that day for worship. Like churches in the middle east they have friday services, that is their main service day and God is not angry with that. Question 3. Uzoma from Nigeria. My question is about the election that is coming up in Nigeria, how should a Christian know who to vote for in the elections, since it does not matter who wins? Answer: It does matter who will win. On a more generic level, you need to understand the ideologies of the political parties on subjects that matter to you - education, social justice, economy and more. It is important that you know what the parties stand for. You look at it from the stand point of what is good for our society. Youre thinking whats their ideology in the things that matter to you, education, infrastructure, given an enabling environment, the individuals, the character of the individual, what they believe and what they stand for. You need to make a research to find all these things about them. Know that even though you have a good candidate, he could be in a bad party. Dont just vote for the person because he is your cousin. Sometimes we think of blocks of support, very important. You have to get ready to participate in the election. Question 4. Evelyne from Canada, asked is there any difference between fore telling in prophecy, the word of knowledge and word of wisdom? Answer: Yes the bible made it clear, foretelling is telling the future. The word of knowledge has to do with insight into events or even eternity. you can know the future when you work with God because you are connected to eternity. Word of wisdom is an insight into the purpose of God. Some say it is for the future because of the guidance into the future. So you know what you will do next. The word of knowledge is about knowing while the word of wisdom is for guidance. Question 5. Sophi from Kajastan asked: when i was studying my Rhapsody i came in across the article that everything has an intelligence. How is it that everything has intelligence? Answer: Everything that connects with God and comes from God has a part of God with them. Everything has sound wave embedded in it. You may be thinking of biological life, but God is thinking of spiritual life. Everything that God created has a deposit of him in them. He got his voice in them, they have intelligence thats why they hear God. For example God told Moses to speak to the rock, he told Ezekiel to talk to the bone, to us there was no life but to God they have intelligence. Jesus talked to dead body and they heard him. We can talk to anything because they have intelligence. Question 6. The bible teaches us to forgive our enemies even when they do wrong to us. Did God forgive satan? Answer: God did not forgive satan because forgiveness is based on sacrifice, anyone who sins must pay for the sin. This is the reason most religions of the world have no provision for forgiveness. The soul that sins shall die. Jesus preached forgiveness because he payed for their sins, Jesus paid but he did not pay for the devil. The devil is not a man, and there is no one to take responsibility for him. Jesus came for man, shed his blood for us and paid with his life. But no one paid for satan. One day the bible tells us he will be put in the lake of fire. Question 7. Frank from spain. As a Christian is it okay to go for Vitro fertilization (IVF) if problems arise in attempt to conceive? Is it a sign of weak faith? Answer: No is not a sign of weak faith, but every time you make such a major step in your life, you ought to find out what the Spirit wants you to do. At such times you are putting yourself in the hands of men, so you need to know what God wants you to do. Pray for Gods guidance, you need to be sure the Spirit of God is guiding you, be sure the Spirit of God is leading you to do that. There are a lot of people who think otherwise when we say that the Spirit guides us. Only canal minded people think that Gods guidance is not important. When you are close to God you will always consult the Spirit of God before you do anything. To you consulting God may mean you will fast and abstain from sin, but thats no surprise if your life is already lived in God. Make sure you are in church so that you will be trained on how to do that. Question 8. Clara from Nigeria .In a situation where an ordained Deacon, Deaconess or pastor leaves the ministry to join another ministry, should they still be addressed with their titles? Answer: For a deacon or pastor to quit one ministry for another is wrong and irresponsible. There should have been a spiritual guidance from the pastor of that ministry in handing over such pastor to the other ministry. But if one says Im tired of this ministry and moves to another, it is a childish thing. That you are ordained was not a mistake. You can act foolishly atimes from irresponsible behavior. When people act like that they think the house of God is a foolish place. They can go with their title, the title without the spirit is nothing. There is so much to say to that to help people behave properly in the house of God. The title is not taken away. Even though you are called an apostle, that responsibility with which you moved will follow you. But there is something called the vagabond spirit and you will keep moving from one place to another. Alright I think this is how much we will take for the month, we will take a short break and then we come back. Welcome back, I want to read something to you. Psalm 95:1 O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. This month of December, is the MONTH OF THANKSGIVING. Throughout this Month, wed thank God with grateful hearts for a most remarkable year of Greatness, we will turn our hearts to the Lord in lavish gratitude. The Rhapsody of realities is the most translated book in the world, second to the bible. It is in 550 languages of the world. Now through the internet, you can have it in your handheld device, even in your phone. We have an app thats called Loveworld news, it is a very special app, it is important that you have it. There is also Atmosphere for Miracle app, the Ceflix, kings chat. Make sure you download these apps. The teachings during the southern African leaders and partners conference are very important for us to get; make sure you get them as soon as that message is out. The higher life Conference Benin city was awesome. It took place in February. Now on the 12th of December, we will be in Benin City. We will come in power of the Holy Spirit. Happy birthday sir, Pastor sir, at the beginning of the year, January you said to bring the word of God to pass we have to live with the word. When God says it is the year of greatness, it does not mean that there will be no challenges. But in all the challenges the Lord will begin to magnify you. You measure a man by the number of challenges he faces, the positioning of his personality. Where does God locate you when trouble comes to you? Use that to know who you are. When you are going through something find out who cares. If nobody cares then you are not influencing anyone. If Ten (10) people cared, then you know that your life influences only 10, if the whole city cares then you know that your life influences the whole city. Never be troubled about those who say things against you. When I say who cares, thats the care for good. Who cares to hear, who is listening to it. When you talk about greatness, thats how you know whether one is great or small. Every month there has been great open doors, placements, strength for the battle, for the times and journey. It has been all round victory. So much has happened. Our brethren have grown more in the knowledge of the word. There is a move of Gods Spirit. During the IPPC the Spirit of God told us that there is speed. There is a new level of speed. Things began to change. There are airplanes that cannot go above 35,000 ft above sea level, and some 40,000ft above sea level, they all have their limits. There is another one that goes 50,000ft. We have moved to a new level and we are flying and soaring high. The Spirit of GOD Will give us visions. You are moving on a new level of vision, the Spirit will show you that which you have not seen before. We are on a new level. You will see manifestation of the Spirit of God so distinctly and powerfully. We did not get here by human ability, we did not arrive here by our own intelligence, it is by the Spirit of God. What is about to happen is far greater than where we have ever been. It is a new day. You told us about the new Angel, we must put them to work we must be aware that they are with us and working with us to fulfill the will of the father. Eben will sing the worship song of the year You alone are worthy as we are getting ready for the communion. I already to you that we have DVDs for christmas, this is vol 1 and 2 make sure you get your copies and use them this christmas season get them for yourselves and also get them as gifts for others as well. There are materials for children: Rhapsody of realities for early readers and for kids. The one for teenagers also: Rhapsody of realities for teenagers - TEEVO. I want us to read the scriptures. Reading of the scripture is one of the ordinances we observe. 1 Corinthians 11:23....
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 06:59:51 +0000

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