DECEMBER IS HERE. I was going to post some non-Grinch related - TopicsExpress


DECEMBER IS HERE. I was going to post some non-Grinch related Its December countdown, but today marks the END of a different countdown. One year ago, I made the fateful decision to play Sunday Amateur football. My career ended prematurely with a double tibia and fibula break. Its been a rocky year, and without a doubt, a hard one for hitting goals and targets. But I can now say comfortably, that I am in a good place. Im fighting fit, running hard, dropping bombs, gaining focus, and making gainz... (Ok, the last one is a lie...) I set myself a few targets to hit during the year, of which I have ticked them all off; - Regain lost leg muscle mass - Ensure I didnt go above 15% body fat - Complete the Edinburgh Half Marathon in sub-3 hours - Squat ass to grass - Single leg squat - Run on the track comfortably in spikes - Play football again at any level - 100kg squat Never, EVER, give up. Keep going, maintain your focus, and youll get there. Now onto bigger and better things. 2015 - Im ready for you! Oh, and always remember to smile and not take life too seriously - even in an ambulance!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 11:18:12 +0000

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