DEDICATED TO SIR RAJINIKANTH; POPULARLY KNOWN AS ROBOT. Joke 1: When you type the spelling of Rajnikanths name wrong on Google, it does not ask you what you meant. It says; Run while you can! Joke 2: Rajnikanth is the only man in the world who knows Victorias Secret! Joke 3: How did the Dead Sea die? It refused to part for Rajnikanth. Joke 4: Facebook has added Rajnikanth to its friend list. Joke 5: Rajnikanth once kicked a horse under its chin. The descendants of that horse are now a new species, Giraffes! Joke 6: There is no life on Mars because Rajnikanth has already been there. Joke 7: If Titanic was remade with Rajnikanth in the lead role then it would have a happy ending. This is because Rajnikanth would swim back to the shore with Rose in one hand and Titanic in the other. Joke 8: You can never find Rajnikanth on Google because You cant find Rajnikanth only Rajnikanth can find you. Joke 9: Rajnikanth once had a heart attack. His heart lost and had to seek refuge in his rib cage! Joke 10: Rajnikanth was the original choice for the movie Mission Impossible. Tom Cruise had to replace him because he found the title insulting. Joke 11: Rajnikanth had Small Pox as a kid. That is why Small pox is now an extinct disease! Joke 12: Rajnikanth can easily stay in Antarctica. This is because he never gets Frostbite, he bites the frost away. Joke 13: Once Rajnikanth wrote a check. All the banks in the world bounced. Joke 14: Rajnikanth does not style his hair everyday. His hair lies in place before he picks up the comb in sheer terror! Joke 15: When Rajnikanth plays Monopoly, the World economic gets affected. Joke 16: Rajnikanth is the only man in the world who knows what women really want! Joke 17: Rajnikanth doesnt move at the speed of Light. Its Light that tries to move at the speed of Rajnikanth. Joke 18: Rajnikanth can make onions weep with agony as he chops them. Joke 19: There is no such thing as Evolution: Darwin just made a list of the creatures whom Rajnikanth allowed to live! Joke 20: Spiderman will never come to India. Why? Because Rajnikanth can kill him with a mosquito repellent! Via: lekbanj.blogspot
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 12:40:55 +0000

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