DEEPENED HOPE Extras LOVE THAT DEFEND LIES – PART 1 (Mr BITTER private - Mr SWEET public) I haven’t been writing this extras in a while now, been so occupied with other things. Anyway I’m back with part one of “Love that defend lies”. This was triggered by a conversation I had with a friend recently. I always say, the first person to know if you are being taken for a ride or if something is not right or if the relationship is not what you need is YOU. I spent months and months trying to convince myself that the man I was with was what I needed. Deep down I knew he wasn’t. deep down I couldn’t convince myself, I didn’t believe that he was what I need, so I thought maybe if I convince people around me and they believe in us then maybe I will also believe. I painted him to be the best guy ever, every lady thought I had it all, every lady thought I was the luckiest lady there is. Privately I was drowning in emotional abuse. He was a different person all together. And he was also wise enough to play his cards right. I remember one day we visited a friend, He was not even talking to me on the way but when we got there he even made coffee for me. – Ladies this sounds familiar right? Being stuck with Mr BITTER private - Mr SWEET public Now slowly I began to get my confidence back. Now the challenge was, HOW DO I GO BACK and tell all those people that no, actually I lied, actually I was pretending, we don’t have it all together. I am being abused. Questions that raised fear flooded my mind: Will they believe me? What will he say? What will people think of me? Finally courage overcame my fears. Opening up became easier. I desired nothing else but healing. Many of us are trapped in relationships that are toxic in the name of “maybe I am impatient, maybe it is not serious, maybe he needs time to realize my worth, maybe it’s a phase we are going through, maybe I’m the one with the problem” the more you stay, the more you try so hard to believe your own lies and the more it hurts you deep down. Like a saying “Where there is smoke, there is fire” your killer gut feeling knows the limits. Don’t be ignorant; remember the first person to take care of your heart should be YOU. When it hurts it is you who will have sleepless nights. We can be there to comfort you but when we leave you have to deal with it all by yourself. Don’t let the fear of what others think keeps you from walking away from unhealthy relationships. Take it this way; if you stay in an unhealthy relationship you are depriving yourself the hope of something great and someone who can come and treat you right. … Be on the lookout. Part Two deals with “HE STABS YOU, THEN APOLOGIES” *The Journey Continues*
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 08:02:42 +0000

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