DELTA 2015. AS PDP CHAIRMAN DELTA STATE SEEKS TO DESTROY THE GAINS OF PDP IN ACQUIRING THE VOTE OF THE MOST POPULOUS TRIBE AND MAKE IT AN UPHILL TASK FOR PDP COME 2015. I am surprised at the callous statements by some party chairmen. At a time the Monday Igbuya and the Ayemidejor Austine and Ejaife Odebala are softening the hearts of Urhobos so as to embrace a political arrangement that might see a Delta Ibo emerge as governor, the Delta state PDP chairman goes and makes a very inflammatory statement capable of distancing Urhobos who only recently voted PDP en masse at the senatorial level in the person of Agwariavwodo. I would have expected the Amoris to have come out and caution the chairman on his utterance or that the chairman should retract the statement, but instead the statement is being allowed to trend. What all Urhobos have been told by the Chairman of PDP Delta State is that PDP does not need Urhobo votes as they can become governor with or without it. I enjoin the chairman to remember Osun and areas the PDP has lost recently. I enjoin him to remember that INEC went to Koko and declared the place practically uninhabitable. I enjoin him to remember that Koko was instrumental in Uduaghan, an incumbents win and that it was by a paltry 11,000 votes. I also enjoin him to remember that now there is fingerprinting aka biometrics. I enjoin him to realize that true politicians consolidate votes. I enjoin him to listen to party leaders world over who ensure they woo and not rubbish a whole voting block and the singular majority at that. This statement must be retracted cos it will fester and grow. And really, the Igbuyas as Urhobo leaders, even if they have ceded the governorship to Delta North should not stand and keep quiet as their people are made to look unimportant. The PDP chairman could easily have kept quiet or used less caustic words I am certain and gone on to crown Obuh or whomever is the chosen one. He did not need to rub it in the faces of the Urhobos. This is the statement The exact words of Chief Peter Nwaoboshi the PDP chairman Delta State.. “I want to say unequivocally that UPU has no business with the affairs of PDP in Delta State. UPU is a cultural organisation and can only speak for the Urhobo nation as far as the Urhobo is concerned. No tribe can hold PDP to ransom in Delta State. In 1999, the Urhobos did not vote for Ibori and in his re-election they did not vote for Ibori. Ibori did not get the type of support he wanted from them. In 2007, Urhobos did not vote for Uduaghan, Uduaghan emerged, In the re-run election Urhobos did not vote for Emmanuel Uduaghan, Uduaghan emerged. “In the last election”, he went on, “they (Urhobos) did not vote for Uduaghan , three elections so they have no right of claim under PDP. They have always been opposed to PDP; it is only the last senatorial election that they voted for PDP. So they have no right to talk about zoning they have been in because they have never voted for governorship in Delta state so for any to sit down and talk about PDP and zoning because is UPU, we will not take it from them”, he added Henry Efe Duku Edewor Efe Grant Michael Dedon Jefia Dede Ejiro Etaghene Aruviere Martin Egharhevwa Progress Omo-Agege Apostle Ovie A. Dafe Ovie Omo-Agege Mandate Paul Akpor Abu Eguono Paul Lucky Fasa Eghagbevwa Lucky Ochuko Algood Ukavbe Lucky Amregbare Rume Ima Niboro Sandra Ote Dafiaghor Abel Dafiaghor
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 20:51:20 +0000

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