DELTA 2015: TAKE A MESSAGE TO ALL DELTANS. Moving from the - TopicsExpress


DELTA 2015: TAKE A MESSAGE TO ALL DELTANS. Moving from the sloganThe big heart to The finger of God,not all Deltans understand that it is a confirmation that Delta state has arrive the harbour safe and sound, of the waves and that is why this message must get to them so that the finger of God will not be mistaken to be finger of man and that the progressives have not Been floundering. Tell Deltans wherever you see them that the comforter Dr Festus Goziem Okubor is set to re-invent Delta state where harmony and love shall exist in every city.Tell them,it shall be the envy of Israel and most especially Jerusalem. Tell My Ijaw and Itsekiri brothers in Delta state that many human locusts must have afflicted their lands in the past,and the jungles may have been underachieving,but that with the coming and support of Dr Festus Okubor as Governor of Delta state, the philistines shall be nowhere to be found around their land anymore.Tell them their will be no more tears and no more sorrows. Tell Isoko the economic space will be more liberalized, despite all the Egyptian hawks trying to clutch the economy on to the old order,Dr Festus Goziem Okubor shall use his charm and aura to overcome and Isoko will see Egypt no more. Tell the Urhobo people in Delta state that for the struggle for power over the years,there is all agog with the filaments of festivities in the firmament as they all support Dr Festus Goziem Okubor .Tell them Dr Festus Goziem Okubor will work with them to defeat their political buccaneers and take the people to their over due canaanland by checkmating all the political capons who are under the impression that the husk of the political game can never come alive on its own, even when the soul of the game has not vacated the contraption.Please dont forget to tell the Ukwanis that Dr Festus Goziem Okubor shall be grounding the machinery of all merchant of the anti-ndokwa nation,so that the nation will not see repose. Please take a message to warri,when you get there,stand at Effurun roundabout and look at the magnificient work of Gods sent Emmanuel Uduaghan then go into the great city and tell wafferrians that Dr Festus Goziem Okubor is the David of our time meant to turn the city to the city of David. Ika,I can see you,I can see how your smile is bursting into loud laughter.Tell Anioma nation,that what is happening in Delta state is simply the voice of Jacob but the hand of Esau.Tell them to be strong. If you forget every other message I have been sending you,please dont forget to tell Deltans that Dr Festus Goziem Okubor will bring out the strength in the diversity of Delta state and unify Delta state with love. God bless you for your delivery.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 10:26:46 +0000

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