DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS ARE MOSTLY WUSSES FOR NOT TAKING ON THE REPUBLICAN ANTI-DEMOCRATIC PARTY!!! The GOP is winning because Democrats are WUSSES. As Ben Franklin once said to the rebellious Americans, We must all hang together or assuredly we shall hang separately. Dear Democratic Representatives & Senators, Why in the hell are you running away from Obamas policies & Obamacare especially. Why are state exchanges set up under Obamacare very popular while Obamacare is very unpopular. Learn from the GOP. You should have begun to prepare for this election right after the last major national election. Embrace the President & his policies. Hang together to avoid hanging seperatedly. Tell your constituents that Republicans favored the past system which was primarily a health care system based on the ability to pay. If you couldnt pay, youre own your own. You had to be either healthy or wealthy back then, before Obamacare came into effect. If youre among the former, you dont need health care insurance. If youre among the latter, the health care corporate behemoths will want your money because you dont need health care insurance. What about the GOP plan to just encourage more competition between health care insurers? Does anyone really believe these corporate health care insurance behemoths will eagerly compete with each other for taking care of the sickest among us. Google the story of Kyler Van Nocker? That was a boy just a few days short of his 6th birthday when he died. He was murdered by one of those corporate behemoths who would rather give their chief executives tens of millions of dollars in income & bonuses. They would also prefer to spend the same amount on lobbying & reelecting their friendly GOP House Representatives & Senators; you know, the ones that should be representing you. They want their US Senators & House Representatives to preserve the status quo prior to Obamacare coming into effect. The real death panels that GOP cons talked so repeatedly about were the private health care insurers. That did not seem to bother GOP cons like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner or even Paul Ryan. Did any of them shed a single tear for young Kyler? Or were they just too busy to notice. Tell your constituents that the Stimulus worked. Thats why the unemployment rate has dropped from a high of 10% to the current 6%. It only passed because 3 Republicans voted with the Demos. Otherwise the GOPs filibuster would have succeeded. What if your constituents dont know what a filibuster is? Just explain to them that by talking too much the GOP can block much needed legislation simply by forcing the majority Democratic Senators to withdraw their bill from the floor in order to attend to other business. Only 60 votes are needed to invoke cloture & end debate. (This is dealt with in my posting on the filibuster.) One example of a filibuster succeeding was in Oct. 2012. A bill giving veterans assistance in finding employment lost 58-42. Only 4 Republicans crossed party lines & voted to end the filibuster. (Remember 60 votes are needed to end debate.) Those cons who preached support for the troops forgot about saying that when they voted against the needs of the ex-troops aka veterans. You were wusses back then for not crucifying the GOP then before the 2012 election & you have remained wusses since. Heres some other bills filibustered; 1) one to eliminate corporate tax breaks that encourage those corporate robber barons from shipping jobs overseas. (They won. This was in the 2nd 2 yrs of the Obama administration.) 2) one to give loans to small businesses (They lost because a retiring Ohio GOP Senator voted for cloture with the Demos. This was in the 1st 2 yrs.) 3) one to strengthen Wall Street & banking regulation. That was in the form of the Dodd-Frank Act. (They lost as the act was passed.) Already mentioned was the GOP attempt to filibuster the Stimulus. They also failed with Obamacare . (The latter was because of a parliamentary move by Demos which only needed a simple majority of 51. Otherwise, it would have been filibustered.) None of the rest of Obamas agenda passed. Hear that Senator Mitch McConnell. He did not get everything he wanted! (Ill add more info of other filibusters after some googling is done.) 4+) Yet to be announced. Democrats, Stop being wusses & campaign against the GOP, the party of obstructionism; the party of hell no. Remember Harry Truman & his reelection in 1948. Just give the GOP hell. (Harry, where are you when we really need you.) You need not lie. Just tell the truth. Dont let the GOP turn this democracy into an oligarchy. The GOP represents their wealthy friends, many of whom dont even live in their state/ house district. Why? Because that is where the money is. (See my posting of my fictional interview with Willie Sutton. He was a safe cracker. When asked why he robbed banks, he replied Thats where the money is.) In return, their wealthy friends reward their wealthy friends with campaign contributions. Ask yourself this- When is a campaign contribution not a bribe when the one giving contribution gets exactly what he wants? Republicans have opposed Obamas policies from the day he was 1st inaugurated. Say that g*d dammit. Tell them, your constituents,tell that to them. Tell them that the Not So Grand Ole Party are putting politics above country. Tell them that the GOP has blocked a jobs bill repairing the national infrastructure of roads & rails, not to mention the electrical grid. This was done simply by not voting on it. Sewer systems would probably be among the improvements to made. Such a program would strengthen the national economy by providing more jobs, & a better transportation & communication network. I need not mention the necessity of improving the pipes of our sewer systems. That was in 2013 when the US House refused to take up the jobs bill. Part of the jobs bill dealt with assistance for veterans to get jobs. Sound familiar? Tell them that the GOP had repealed the Glass–Steagall Act which was passed in 1933. The GOP repealed it in 1999. Regretfully Clinton signed it rather than vetoing it, but it would have been passed anyway after George Dubya Bush became President by a single vote in the Supreme Court. Tell them why the repeal of the Glass–Steagall Act was a bad thing for America. Tell them its because one of the provisions in it prohibited banking institutions from using their depositors money in checking & savings accounts in risky investments. Tell them of the GOP plans for federal government deregulating the economy by repealing the Dodd-Frank Act, a weaken version of the Glass–Steagall Act . Since the New Deal of the Great Depression years, we have had not one stock market crash of the magnitude of the Great Wall Street Stock Market Crash of 1929. Since its repeal, we have had the Great Wall Street Stock Market Crash of 2008, which was followed by the Great Recession. Yet the GOP wants to repeal Dodd-Frank. Why? So a greedy few can tank the economy again? The love of money is the root of all evil. Remind your Christian constituents that. Tell them that the GOP plans to deregulate big business includes abolishing the EPA & repealing both the Clean Water Act & the Clean Air Act. They will allow a wealthy few to increase their profits by minimizing costs. In other words, allowing their wealthy pals to pollute your air & your water. They latter has already happened in a big way in both West Virginia & North Carolina within the past 2 years. Dont forget the BBP oil spill in the gulf. Tell them that the gulf still has not recovered. Hell, the oil spill at Valdez, Alaska still has not been completely cleaned up. Does anyone remember that the river that flows through Cleveland was so badly polluted with chemicals it actually caught on fire back in the 1960s. I have more to say later about how the GOPs disastrous environmental policies will effect your lives. Tell them that people getting Medicare in the future will get a voucher for $8,000 a year. Thats in the Paul Ryan budget passed by the House in 2011 by a GOP majority. $8,000 a year probably wouldnt pay for a week in a hospital. Nothing would supposedly change for the current recipients of Medicare. Tell them that the GOP wants to privatize Social Security & allow Wall Street speculators to put these funds at risk on Wall Street. Ask them if they expect the GOP would bail them out as they did for the financial institutions in 2008. Both Medicare & Social Security were liberal Democratic proposals. The GOP cons were opposed to both & still are. Telling Demos to not touch your Medicare is absurd. Its the GOP that you need to worry about. As I had said before, learn from the GOP and do what they have been doing. Get your talking points down pat. Keep saying them until you get tired of doing so and when you get tired of doing that, repeat those talking points some more. Always counter their lies with facts. Dont ever lie yourself. If you say something wrong, just admit it & go back on the offensive without looking back. Dont let the GOP get away with lying. Get in their face & call them out for what they are- Pathological Liars. Are you afraid of losing an election? Dont be. The welfare of America is more important than your miserable & worthless Senate seat. Do as Harry Truman did- just tell the truth & they of the GOP will think its hell. Just one more thing. G*D DAMMIT! STOP BEING A BUNCH OF WUSSES, GET OFF YOUR BUTTS & GET READY FOR 2016. ABOVE ALL ELSE, DONT F*CK THAT ELECTION UP. GB Dear Kentuckians, I know Obama was unpopular among you, but why did you reelect Mitch McConnell, who is also unpopular among you. Your Kynect is an exchange through which many of you bought your health insurance. Guess what. Under Obamacare, your healthcare insurance is heavily subsidized by the federal government. No lifetime caps are allowed for health care insurers as a basis for cutting off the sick from health care insurance. Its the Health Care Insurers who will kill off old Granny. Preexisting conditions are no longer a basis upon which heath care insurers had justified denying health care coverage. No more Kyler Van Knockers will be murdered by those evil health insurance corporate behemoths. Mitch McConnell wants to repeal Obamacare. This means the presently noncommittal Mitch McConnell wants to take your health care insurance away from you. Now why dont you kick yourself in the butt for voting for him if that is what you have done. GB
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 09:01:16 +0000

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