DEMS WENT TO SLEEP ON THIS ONE !! ....WT ?....WHEN WILL WE LEARN TO PLAY OFFENSE ??......Wrapped in the Flag shared a link. David Sirota analyzes the Colorado recall election that threw two Senators out of office after they supported the Colorado law to require background checks and limit the size of magazines. In this article, he argues that these elections bring out a rabid base that sees everything as part of a culture war. If those who favor reasonable gun safety legislation are going to make any headway, we have to frame the argument differently. (and we have to get people to the polls. I added that part). "Nobody can honestly argue that background checks, magazine limits and restrictions on domestic abusers diminish most citizens’ ability to defend themselves. Likewise, nobody can honestly argue such policies are an indiscriminate effort to confiscate all guns. Yet, that’s exactly what is argued by gun advocates in campaign mailers and in conservative media. And even though such arguments are patently absurd, they can succeed because they aren’t about substance. Instead, they are designed to generate resentment against a perceived cultural affront. Inevitably, the gun lobby will now claim the Colorado elections prove that politicians should back off even minimal gun regulations. But the elections say the opposite — they say that if the gun lobby is going to continue turning a policy debate into a cultural one, then an equally powerful cultural argument needs to be made in response."
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 08:19:40 +0000

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