#DERG_ALSO A friend tells me: Salute the sacrifices! I - TopicsExpress


#DERG_ALSO A friend tells me: Salute the sacrifices! I believe it’s very important to talk about the motive behind their struggle otherwise it will be forgotten because we human beings are clever at displacing what has been painful to remember in defense mechanism. I too have sadly witnessed some of the things they are talking about, namely the terrible “Red terror” that has crippled the Ethiopian people for years. To my surprise, I discovered that I had blocked everything that I had witnessed during this dreadful era until I recently read a book called Under the Lions gaze that brought back all the memories I have forgotten in order to survive. I don’t really know what age I was but I remember witnessing many killings during this period. Some curious kids; me & my friends (mostly boys in my neighborhood) use to sneak from our area & wonder to see who got killed every day. My friends & I used to go to the market & Piazza to see awful seen. Some of the haunting sight I have seen is about a boy who was not much older than I was that got killed on the downtown square because he was caught with pamphlets that the political active youngsters had given him to spread.. I have fragmented memory of it but I recall one of my friends saying how red & long stream his blood was. The other memory I have is seeing our neighbor Mohammed & my class mate’s father Abboy Hagos that were killed on the market place not far from their homes. Im sorry to say this ghoulishly, but I think its important to say it like I remember it. Mohammed’s brain was scattered everywhere from the bullet that entered his head while Abboy Hagos’s eyes & blood were everywhere. The most saddening memory of them was about this tall & heavy built man who apparently had escaped from prison & hiding in the outskirts of a church that has forest around it. Unlucky enough for him, he was discovered by a woman who happened to sit to pee beside the shrub that he was hiding. She screamed when she heard his puffing. He was caught by soldiers who were nearby looking for him & took him to the market place. I remember waking up early in the morning by a mumbling sound from a crowd of people that followed this occurrence & I run out of the house with only pajamas & followed the mob. So when we came to the market, people stood on the corners of the market & the soldiers surrounding the man whose hands were tied in the elbow behind him. Then they started shout at him saying he this is one of the members of “Tehahit [TPLF] & start to shoot him I don’t know why but I remember clearly counting the shoots 1,2,3,4,5 and the whole time the man stood their but with the 6th bullet he fell with his face down to the ground. I remember the silence that followed & after few minutes people start to go to their everyday life but I went closer and saw the man didnt bleed except a little coagulated blood that came out of his mouth. Then I went home & didnt tell to anyone about it. Then the killings stopped except for the armed struggle that usually reap lives now and then in the city. A few years later we moved from Tigrai, later on I found out some of my friends joined the armed struggle. Sometimes I wonder what would have happen to me had I stayed in Tigrai? I SALUTE THESE BRAVE [EPRDF] FIGHTERS THAT SACRIFICED EVERYTHING FOR OUR FREEDOM!
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 13:07:30 +0000

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