DIALOG 77 MY CHURCH WILL RETURN TO ITS ROOTS, IN THE SAME WAY YOU WILL DO THE SAME PART I (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Little One, you caught a cold. It’s not grave, don’t worry. This week, My Daughter, I will be telling you How My Church is where the roots appear to have been buried with the passing of time. Since I, God the Father desire her, miss BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI her, yearn for her, desire her; and it is, justly, like you, My Faithful and Beloved People must be if you want to continue being part of it. MY CHURCH WILL RETURN TO ITS ROOTS, IN THE SAME WAY YOU WILL DO THE SAME, because each one IS THE CHURCH. Did you know that? You must assist the Holy Mass (as I listened to Him, I start listening to the sound of the bells calling to Holy Mass), go, not before inviting your sister who is still close to My Holy House, and to Me. Yes, Abby, I’ll go immediately. Go. (March 17) Spiritual Vision: Today, during the Holy Eucharist I saw hundreds of hearts as of blown glass; empty inside but with the form and color of the heart. They were slowly falling inside the Church. I did not understand, but trusted that in the right moment would understand it. A little later I saw that one crashed against the floor, breaking with a great uproar. And during the Communion It was revealed to me: The mediocre hearts, empty of love, of works, and of humility will crash; will slam against the floor of the Holy Church. The humble hearts will prevail. This will be the new Church; it was shown to me like that. And I knew that is how Pope Francis will lead this new faithful people. Those that almost had nothing even that they will lose, the ones Jesus considers “mediocre”. It was a very vivid vision, I still see it. “Stone appearance”. “I will vomit the mediocre” “They will crash against Francis, who is...” BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI PART II 53 (March 17) Little One, PART III (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Listen to The Holy Father, He wants to explain to you the events that are sifting1 over your heads. We are going to go little by little throughout this week for two reasons. One, Little One, and the most important, is that the events are many and complicated and we don’t like to scare you, but for you to digest little by little, bite by bite, this “spiritual puree” that we have prepared with such love for You, My Little Ones; the second is because, Little One, you have been a little careless and are sick, so you don’t have the energy nor the usual, habitual concentration. (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) My Pope, your present servant Benedict XVI could not continue as shepherd of My Beloved Flock, so he has given way to Francis. Who is he, My Little Ones? Suffice to know that he is whom Heaven has chosen to guide you towards The Way in these difficult times of the Great Tribulation. There will be cataclysms and many will not understand, will keep on vainly trying, Little Ones, “to cover the sun with one finger”, but just because they don’t want to see, the events will not cease from happening. This, your Pope, Faithful to Holy Heaven, will know how to guide the heart of the True Church. The Church is not based on riches or power of man, much less (of) money, but of its ancestral riches WHICH ARE GUIDED DIRECTLY BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. Our Pope will know how to lift the foundations and maintain the Church. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 54 I see: a city, a metropolis completely destroyed, in ruins and the only construction standing is a very small chapel with it altar lighted, with a heavenly light that comes from above. In front a big cross with Christ Agonizing and on his feet, kneeling, and a priest with a Franciscan habit. He is not wearing sandals, barefoot and his cloak is very simple and very used. I know it is Rome. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) This is My Remnant Church. This is what is going to be left; the rest will be destroyed. Those who remain like that in My Agony on the Cross are My True Faithful and friends, the rest will be destroyed. (OUR GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) This is, Little One, the face of My New Church, The True One. Do you resemble My Beloved? What are you missing, or better said, what do you have in overabundance that prevents you from being like this? Do you want to be Church; this is your true face, My Little Ones. Amen.2 (1)Sifting. Sift vt Pass to sieve (2) (March 18) BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 55  Little One My Beloved Saint Joseph PART IV (SAINT JOSEPH SPEAKS) Listen: I know, Little One, little ones. A multitude of My Children went away from the Holy Church of My Beloved Son due to the riches and the extravagance3. That was not the Church that My Beloved Son established and promulgated. There was, Little One, little ones, a deep contradiction that was visible to the little ones, to the humble. The richer ones coupled comfortably to this easy Catholicism, but it is not this way, Little One, little ones. Or did by chance My Beloved and Perfect Son was born in a golden palace on Earth or in a humble crèche rejected by the majority? You cannot pretend an easy and superficial Catholicism, because that is not The Way to My Son, Little One, little ones. The Church will be purified because it can no longer be the church in these the End of times, the remnant will remain which is its very soul: poor, humble, suffered, and loyal to My Son. Those who follow the human things, but disguised as Catholicism will not prevail as close to Jesus. Look at Holy Mary, My Chaste Spouse during the earthly pilgrimage. Was Holy Mary covered with jewels, gowns, servants or riches by any chance? No, Little Ones, no! Holy Mary was humility itself, humility itself, to the service of her neighbor, and absolute loyalty. You are Church, but humble, serving, poor Church. That is the true Church that My Beloved Son established on earth. Do you understand, Our Little Ones? BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 56 Now Little One, you will see great changes, great dissension (4) because you will not want to lose The Grace, but also the riches and the comfort, and salvation cannot be this way: comfortable and selfish. Don’t you see how Holy Mary was when she was told about the event, she just thought of her cousin Elizabeth and to go on the long journey to serve her, to accompany her? Did she think about her comfort? Did by any chance did she receive the news with insolence and haughtiness, or with perfect humility and obedience? Don’t pretend, Little Ones, to follow the Way without following faithfully the steps that we have left for you registered, marked, and signaled. Ask yourselves if as fathers of your children you are like Saint Joseph? If as mothers of your children you are like Holy Mary? Is your charity with the poor is to give the tunic you are wearing if you have two of them? Ask yourselves if you are TRULY faithful followers of My Son. Be honest, Little Ones, think if you love the world more than God the Father and, if it is so, why is it then that you cannot find peace and quiet that you so much look for? Dare to be perfect and trust fully in the Lord, who will know how to guide and recompense you at the end of the Way. Little Ones, with all of this, what we want to tell you is that it is no longer time of mediocrity. The lukewarm will fall in the middle of the way. You will have to be radicals as the Saint who is heading you now: Francis of Assisi. He was a radical that God called to save His Holy Church from the paws of the devil, from avarice, and from luxury. Can you see, Little Ones, what is being asked of you? You are going to be asked to be AUTHENTIC CHRISTIANS, Little Ones, like you have never been before. I ask you, are you willing? BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 57 (3)Extravagance. 1 : an instance of excess or prodigality; specifically : an excessive outlay of money. (4)Dissension. n. Difference of opinion; disagreement. (March 19) (Saint Joseph’s Feast Day: First Solemn Mass of Pope Francis Pontification) PART V (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Little One: Many were the ones that did not want to accompany My Beloved Son when they saw him so small and defenseless in a manger, and made of that celebration a time for shopping, bacchanalia, and vanity. Many are, Little One, the ones who never accompanied My Beloved Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Week. Many are those who NEVER sheltered themselves or honored MY HOLY COMMANDMENTS, or much less the Holy days Challenging Me Constantly and knowing that time would come to an end; they did not believe. Now that My Beloved Son is coming in Glory and Majesty they will want to get close to Him, but My Son already knows his TRUE friends, those that have accompanied poorly in His Holy and Painful Gethsemane, in his Sorrowful Crucifixion; they, those than have Believed in My Gospel are the Faithful people and the Saved. Those that know that He is coming will want to have the pleasure of what the poor of heart have achieved, they won’t have it. When a man becomes rich there come those that repudiate him, but when he was poor there is when he met his true friends and family. Those are not more BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 58 than creatures of convenience looking for the best bet; they are not like the faithful servants, disapproved by Heaven! Now they will knock on the doors and these will not open. Time has come to an end and the ranks are closed. When He was poor he was despised along with his, when he was rich they will want to be part of the courts, but I won’t let them. Whoever sees Him and desires Him, must humble himself now!, he must change his silk and linen garments for a sack cloth and ashen his face. Make Me believe in your honest intention or you will not remain. My Children are brave and keep My Holy Will. They are not cowards that run in front of calamities or provocation. (March 21) Abby, I am ready. PART VI (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Listen Little One and those that listen to My Word. My Beloved Son is Coming, but not as a meek lamb of peace, but as Lion of Judah. You must know that. Those that did not accompanied My Beloved Child in his poor manger, during the Way of The Cross, THEY ARE NOT FRIENDS OF THE LORD! They are friends of the Wicked one. They need to know this, comprehend, and understand it. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 59 My small Children who shelter themselves at this time (Lent) and accompany Heaven, they know. Those that (write it between quotation marks) “Feast” during Holy Week, are followers of Satan, who likes to spur to commit during this week the greatest amount of sins possible. The holier the days to be celebrated are, the higher the invitation to sin. There are myriads around the world that fall into these traps. Or by chance do you celebrate the mournful anniversaries of your loved ones, or do you take advantage to pray, to meditate, to accompany your loved ones? It’s not right, Little One, what My Children do. Use that Sacred Time for the bacchanal and commit all acts of conduct proper of pagans, even calling themselves “Catholic”. It cannot be. My Beloved Son is no longer coming as a Meek Lamb, but As the lion of Judah.(5) Do you understand? This marvelous creation has only one King of kings and Lord of lords, and Is My Beloved Son, none else, no one else. They have abducted, usurped My Marvelous Creation, My Goods created to be utilized for their own selfish and satanic ends, while they leave my poor people with even the least for their daily survival. And that can no longer be, Little ones. I am retaking My Beloved Creation to hand it over to My Beloved Son, and with Him to the holy people that are going to follow Him. Do you believe that My Sacred Heart does not sadden to see how Mine are and that they are the majority? BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 60 You cannot see the wickedness that abounds in the world. I cannot allow that they see it as it is because they would madden of pain and horror. You don’t know what the Evil one does and invites you to do. Don’t be foolish, Little Ones. Evil does everything in the shadows, in the darkness, in the night of the soul. Don’t let the night reach your souls because he will take advantage to fill you with vermin, and blameworthy and aberrant acts in front of My Holy Sight of Beloved Father, but that does not scold even when it is necessary. Don’t believe that the prophecies are not going to be fulfilled because the sun is still coming up. Remember that I have made My star to shine over the good and the bad, over the living and the dead (of the soul, Little Ones), but you have to look for the only Life that there is, the one My Beloved Son gives you through the Sacraments. Don’t try to look for other alternate routes; because I have told you, there aren’t any. Don’t you see what happens around you? Don’t you see how your little brothers have deliberately rejected the Light of My Son, which is to DESPISE HIS LOVE?; don’t you see where the low levels of human doings have reached? Do you believe that you can be called “My Children”, doing that? Don’t be confused that The Truth is One. The Way is one and it has been given to all the men of all times. Your time is not different: Sin is the same, even more generalized, and you don’t believe it. Now, what only women dedicated to the bad life used to do, is the norm, the normalcy between you; your children dream of being followers of evil and obtain what the Evil one offers. Then, what are you expecting? Where do you pretend to get to this way? To My Beloved Faithful: BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 61 Trust, trust, and trust. The Evil one wants to erase the name of My Beloved Son from your hearts and minds, paganizing everything even the most sacred. You will see events happening never before seen by human sight, Never Before! Remember My Faithful Servants and follow them: Remember Noah, Moses, My Beloved Friend, amidst the infidelity of this people, My Servant Job... Remember My Saints, follow their lives. Give your children those examples of Sainthood, don’t allow the Devil to uproot them like a tree without roots. Talk to them about your ancestors in Heaven. Television is only the recruitment advertising of the devil, and highly effective. Don’t you see that you are educating your children and one hour of Mass on Sunday’s is not enough to counteract the hours of time that your young children and teen agers pass in front of the wicked television. What do you expect of your children if you don’t feed them with My Word, where do you believe they will reach that way? I am telling you so later you don’t claim Me of the results that you, yourselves, stipulated, when you ignored them. If your children don’t see that you don’t honor the holy feast days of the Church, how could they honor them? Be a living example, not dead word. Why do you think I am giving you with my poor Francis surrounded by wolves? What is my wish, that you make him an idol? NO! I want, little ones, that you imitate him, like he imitates San Francis of Assisi, like Francis of Assisi imitated My Beloved Son, do you understand? Shelter yourselves from the world, My Little Ones, shelter from it like waters BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 62 infected by sharks, like a full-fledged forest of wolves. Shelter from the world, Little Ones, that My Son is coming and if you do not remain clean, the evil one will make you fall with ease. Only being humble and knowing that you are weak and that alone you cannot survive, that will rescue you. Don’t be arrogant in believing that you can be in the world and not get stained. I am telling you: You won’t be able to accomplish it. Shelter yourself, shelter yourself, and shelter yourself. If you remain alone (like My Little One) for not following the herd, stay alone with dignity, with faith, with love, with the hope of knowing that you are being Faithful to whom you say you follow, whom you say you love. Don’t be a hypocrite; don’t fall into mediocrity of preaching one thing with the word and another with your conduct. Be upright; be an example between your brothers, that you be seen as an example of humility says more than whole libraries on the subject. It is not a time for words but of live examples. Do you understand? Do you follow me or you follow the world? It’s your decision. I cannot force you. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) My Very Own Little One My Jesus. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 63 Listen, I had already made you to notice it and it call your attention greatly. It is one of the most evil modifications that have been obtained as achievement of the Evil one over My Holy Church. Not only he achieved that the Prayer of Intercession of Saint Michael no longer be prayed in the Holy Mass, but the almost imperceptible way, the Evil one introduced his intervention until he was able to modify the Only Prayer that I left you to be prayed universally; I am referring to, of course, the Our Father. I have wanted to tell you the ending: “Deliver us from evil”, because knowing he was going to hide his existence, this prayer would let you recognize he exists, which is, that he does evil, but YOU HAVE LET YOURSELVES BE FOOLED and now you pray a weak “deliver us from evil”, like something, something insignificant. It is my wish of your Lord, your Teacher, your Friend, that you return, go back to the ancestral ways that I gave you with clear intention, effective, and definite. Pray like this: Our Father Who art in Heaven Blessed be Your Holy Name Your Kingdom come Thy will be done, Lord, on earth As it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive our offenses As we also FORGIVE those that have offended us Don’t let us fall into temptation But deliver us from the Evil One. Yours is the Reign, the Power, and The Glory BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 64  For ever and ever(6) Amen. Sadly, Little lamb, I see how few believe in these My messages, so on your own find out if My little one is not telling the truth. How it Hurts Us when you ignore our sent one, whoever you ignore is who is sending. When are you going to understand this? Little One Mother. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Don’t be alarmed, all Heaven is protecting your back. Be patient and continue sheltered that as the way advances, meaning, My Beloved Son goes up the Golgotha, friends erase themselves from the picture, stay behind in the Way, they are now few, and will be less, but don’t desist, I beg you, each one of you in your labor. Never stop accompanying My Beloved Son. Always remember: you have chosen the narrow Way, Walking with the Cross and solitude, but Little Ones, I assure you: You have chosen the best part, which is to accept the absolute invitation to be Children of God. Remain wrapped in My Blue Mantle. In the name of The Father, of My Son, and the Holy Spirit. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 65  Amen. Peace be with men of good will. Remain in the peace of My Son. Amen. (5) The Christian tradition utilizes the term “Lion of Judah” to represent Jesus of Nazareth, since he belonged to the Tribe of Judah, and in the New Testament he is mentioned as “belonging to the Tribe of David”. A similar expression is used in the Book of Revelation to designate Jesus: “Then one of the elders said to me, “Don’t cry. Look! The lion from Judah’s tribe, the great descendant of David, has won the victory, and he can break the seven seals and open the scroll.” Revelation 5, 5 Holy Bible. American Bible Society 1992. (6) “Our Father in Heaven: may your Holy Name be honored; may your kingdom come; may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us today the food we need. Forgive us the wrongs we have done, as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us. Do not bring us to hard testing, but keep us safe from the Evil One. Matthew 6, 9-13 Holy Bible. DIRECT VERSION FROM THE PRIMITIVE TEXTS, by Mons. Dr. Juan Straubinger. Catholic Press, Inc., Chicago, 1958. (March 24 Palm Sunday) DIALOG 78 CONSECRATE YOURSELVES! CONSECRATE YOURSELVES! CONSECRATE YOURSELVES! BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 66  67 Holy Mother Little One... I am listening. Listen: there are so many that have not wanted to Consecrate themselves to Our Holy Hearts because they do not believe it is NECESSARY, but IT IS. Heaven never gives an order, an invitation, like you say, without a great reason. On this date (Write today’s date, Little One: March 26) We restate it again: CONSECRATE YOURSELVES, CONSECRATE YOURSELVES, CONSECRATE YOURSELVES. If you have not started it yet, today. You cannot wait any longer. Or don’t you know that everything can wait except The Salvation of your souls? Don’t you know that it is the main reason that you have: Save your own soul! That is why I repeat it to you: CONSECRATE YOURSELVES, CONSECRATE YOURSELVES, CONSECRATE YOURSELVES. (Place this not as a footnote, but in great big gold letters, at the start, like a warning sign, Our Little Lamb.) I will do as you say, Holy Mother. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI Amen and Shalom. I leave you my Holy Protection and in the Holy Peace of My Beloved Son Jesus. THAT HOLY HEAVEN CANNOT WAIT ANY LONGER, THE GREAT TRIBULATION COMMENCES ITS MARCH AND YOU DON’T BELIEVE... (Our Mother says this with great sadness and preoccupation). Abby! My daughter! Tell me, Abby... (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) IT’S URGENT! IT’S URGENT! IT’S URGENT! CONSECRATE YOURSELVES, MY LITTLE ONES THAT MY SACRED HEART BREAKS WHEN I SEE YOUR ETERNAL DESTINIES. I BEG YOU: CONSECRTE YOURSELVES, CONSECRATE YOURSELVES, CONSECRATE YOURSELVES! Like my Beloved Daughter tells you: Don’t postpone it for tomorrow. Start today so you are sheltered and protected of so much calamity that is coming. (I see: some wooden houses that are built on the foot of a mountain, and the start to disintegrate.) DON’T WAIT AN INSTANT MORE. DO IT NOW! NOT AN INSTANT MORE. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 68 DO IT NOW! DO IT NOW! MY CHILDREN, LITTLE ONES SO LOVED, WHO HAVE COME OUT OF MY HEART ONE BY ONE. I BEG YOU FOR THE LOVE I HAVE FOR YOU. YOUR BELOVED FATHER. My Jesus Little One (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) It is not the books, the speeches, or the allegations which save My Little ones but faith, prayer, and good works. Understand it, now! Don’t admire your Pope, imitate him, it won’t help you to believe what has value. True value is on the works, donations, prayer from the Heart, penitence, Holy Eucharist, Accompanying your Lord, Your God, Your Big Brother, Your Example, Guide and True Friend. That is valuable, Little One, but you are not doing it as you should. Where are your works? Will you come to Me with empty hands? Do you know the pain that is? You can’t even imagine! To arrive after a life full of blessings and arrive with nothing... Not to give accounts to Me of something good. If you continue on living for yourselves there will be no Salvation, Little One, there can’t be. At least, in the time left, make an effort, but the TOTAL effort, that already you have lost too much time. For it you must CONSECRATE BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 69 YOURSELVES, like my loving Holy Mother insists. Do it, Little Ones that you give everything to Caesar and Don’t Give Me Anything. Don’t you know that Caesar has only an earthly coin and it is not worth anything in eternity? Trust your providence to Heaven which will never forsake you. Once the events arrive you won’t be able to ask for the protection we wish we could give you. In the middle of the cataclysm, is that when you pretend to pray, My Children? Do it now that there is health, do it now. Don’t waste these last times. My Divine Mercy (*) is coming. Look up what it is, study it, and learn my Holy Promises. Don’t let that small ray of light that you still have for a soul to shut out, don’t let it turn off. (SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL SPEAKS) Saint Michael Little One You see how with our protection even the bad thoughts flee, how your soul in invaded by peace and goodwill. Out there the Evil One is taking souls with such easiness that it is pitiful, they don’t have with what to resist. So full of sin are these souls that with a blow they are thrown to the ground. They don’t even battle it. If you do not have the BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 70 strength, know that those who are Truthful to Heaven have it (the strength), that is why we beg you, -practically we plead you- that you Consecrate Yourselves so We can protect you. Can you understand that? Spiritual Vision: I see myself standing in a desert and behind me an Angel, Saint Michael, huge – it seems he is four times the height of a human being- and I am so peaceful, like now. They show me another person that is not Consecrated, that is not asking for protection; and I see him/her desperate trying to keep away some flying insects, like birds, coming towards him/her and there is not a moment of peace, because as soon as he/she is finished of shooing away one when another one, this time a snake, comes near him/her. With only his/her human strength he/she fights against these creatures, but the effort is unsuccessful. I know, clearly, that PRIDE is preventing him/her from asking Heaven for protection –CONSECRATE YOURSELF- so you can be quiet and calm. And I know those are the options and only the humility of knowing yourselves to be so powerless and asking Heaven for help will give you that calm, that joy so desired. For it –Heaven tell us-, the Consecration is necessary. If we have already done it, repeat it often. (SAINT JOSEPH SPEAKS) Saint Joseph Little One, once you are Consecrated to Jesus and Holy Mary, Consecrate your families to me. Note: Here is the Consecration to Saint Joseph. So be it... BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 71 Amen (*)Divine Mercy Sunday is the Sunday following Easter Sunday. (March 26) (*) I copy the request that Our Lady gave us exactly 70 days ago. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Mother? Listen, Little One. You are doing a good job. The people that should be already helping you are not doing it and are delaying even more the way to Heaven. Only Angel is helping you, not because they are not capable to understand Heaven’s plan, which means that Heaven is changing the plan. The Devil is attacking very hard because they do not believe in the seriousness of the calls. You are going to have to continue alone, if the brothers We have prepared do not want to be ready to start now! In this way whoever is not willing to work, he is dismissed like in their companies, and we look for others to take their place. It’s sad but, HEAVEN’S PLAN IS OF SALVATION OF SOULS AND WE CANNOT WAIT ANY LONGER FOR ANYONE WHO IS NOT WILLING TO WORK NOW. Those who should be already hurrying to help you, which is the help, these helpers from Heaven have the world as a priority, their selfishness, and not Heaven. Let them know that Heaven is not waiting any longer. If they are going to work for The Kingdom they must do the Consecration to the BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 72 Hearts of Jesus and Mary that My Son Augustine (*) has given them. This will show and demonstrate their attachment to Heaven, and it has to be now before the happenings worsen. Those who have in their plan to serve Heaven in 2014 or 2015 need to know that Heaven will no longer count with them. Tell them, Little One (Our Holy Mother tells us with immense anguish). To start with this and to read the tasks that Heaven leaves for them week by week in this website, in this holy receptacle that we prepared to hold the Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity. Those that want to think that it is a game, that they can read them when they do not have anything else to do, they need to know that if they do not place us as a priority, Heaven will rescind of them and they themselves will not be able to carry out their Holy Mission; and to know that there isn’t anything else so painful for the soul that upon reaching JUDGMENT IN FRONT OF MY BELOVED SON will have to refute when asked regarding his loyal and punctual fulfillment of his Holy Mission. They keep on thinking that they can give God bread crumbs, when Abba has given them all and, furthermore, keeps on giving, but the world is coming to the term announced in the Book of Revelation, and those that are not Consecrated will be kept out! The world comes to the events announced in Revelations, and those that are not Consecrated will remain out. We know, Little One that you put aside your personal business, where they correspond, after The Love to the Holy Trinity and, consequently, Love of Thy Neighbor. This is not a game. Commit now or desist, that bread crumbs are not what BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI 73 Heaven is asking of you, and God is not to be placed in the last place. The entrance into Heaven is now, also Salvation, not tomorrow. There is no tomorrow, there isn’t, Little stubborn Children that believe that you have purchased time. (*)Mary, Teacher of the Apostles of the Last Times, Volume I: Consecration to My Immaculate Heart. Revelations given to a soul whom Jesus calls Augustine of the Divine Heart, “Messenger of the United and Speared Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary”. mediafire/view/?aecu2x93ezy4vlc Our Holy Lady asks me to write today’s date: (Saturday, January 19 at 1:30 a.m.)
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 02:31:37 +0000

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