DID SOMEBODY TELL KING OBAMA THAT HE WON THE MIDTERMS?? Because he is squawking around like a turkey doing things that are contradictory to being a lame duck.. Signing a executive order changing law that allows illegal aliens to stay in the United States and even apply for green cards is nothing short of lunancy and ILLEGAL itself. [Hey, its why I call him King now anyway]. But the GOP for reasons, I cant explain held off on challenging him.. Let the next congress deal with it... I really hope this isnt more of the we cant be seen as racist against the black president crap from the GOP.. If it is, we really need to consider getting GOP folks that will ignore that kind of STUPID RHETORIC from liberals.. But then... In another KINGLY move, he changes policy on Cuba, without consulting with congress.. WHY?? Who knows, Cuba is a communist country and while Obama was talking jibberish about how good Cuba is, Raul Castro, the co-dictator of Cuba was declaring victory over the US. So, it leaves me to wonder.. Does Obama live in reality?? Does he really think these silly manuvers will actually be upheld?? GRANTED, if the GOP doesnt stand up for the American people and the constitution, they will probably fold under the but he is the black president liberal mallet mantra. This is where we come in... We need to let our congressmen/women know, I dont give two cents what his color is.. He is screwing everything up and you have been put into office to fix it... GET TO WORK...
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 17:32:20 +0000

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