DID YOU KNOW THESE 17 FACTS? Please read below.... ALL - TopicsExpress


DID YOU KNOW THESE 17 FACTS? Please read below.... ALL reported in CREDIBLE publications, strike you as a little more important and damaging to the Administration than rainbow flags flying over embassies? It’s the kind of information that, in a day and age saturated by social minutiae posing as news headlines, would have an actual impact if reported by the mainstream press to the American public. Why then, the silence? The American people would revolt if they learned the truth: that we’re again a colony, taking policy orders not from King George, but from Qatar… a state sponsor of Islamic terrorism. Did you know that NATO contracts with Taliban heroin smugglers for logistics in Afghanistan? Did you know that the Obama administration’s two closest allies are (Muslim Brotherhood and Arab Spring sponsors) Qatar and Turkey? Did you know that the United States has backed the Arab Spring from the beginning, and the goal was always a Caliphate? Did you know that IS[IS] exists only because of American funding and support? One of those S’s does stand for Syria, after all. And Obama openly supports the Syrian rebels. Did you realize that the Obama administration has created a genocidal, jihadi army that is murdering Christians and any Muslims who oppose their rule? Did you ever consider that that IS[IS], which was created by Obama’s support of the “moderate” Syrian rebels, has destroyed the once stable Iraq that Obama inherited? Did you know that Bowe Bergdahl was released only after Qatar had Obama free not 5, but 10 Taliban prisoners? Did you know this prisoner exchange occurred right after Obama met with the former Emir of Qatar at West Point, this May? Did you know that the Emir’s son just graduated from West Point? Did you know that not only has the Obama administration purged high ranking military officers, but also the ranks of the NCOs? Did you know that it was Qatar who provided funding for both the 1993 World Trade Center attacks and 9/11? Did you know that Khalid Sheikh Mohamed was on Qatari payroll, and his nephew was Ramzi Yousef, the 1993 bomber? Did you know the funding for global jihad is primarily funded by slavery, cocaine, and heroin smuggling? Did you know that the jihad works with South American cartels, who are now flooding over our southern border? Did you know that according to FBI records, Al Gore’s father, Senator Al Gore Sr., was employed by a notorious agent of the Soviet Union? Did you know that Al Gore both purchased and sold (for $100 million) CurrentTV from Qatari interests, and that the sale gave Al Jazeera America broadcasting rights in America? Did you know that Al Gore, who took that $100 million from Qatar when he sold CurrentTV, has a “bat phone” to the White House? Did you know that not only are major universities like Carnegie Mellon and Georgetown in Doha, Qatar, but also American companies like military contractor Boeing and Exxon Mobil?
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 22:44:46 +0000

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