DIRECT FOM THE OFFICE OF NANS PRO ASUU: FRAC T OF BOKO HARAM It is very obvious that every Nigerian citizen knows the harmful effect of Boko-Haram on Her Nation (Nigeria). The primary attribute of the Boko-Haram is that they disturb the peace of this Country, which is one of the attribute ASUU is possessing right now. News reaching us, National Association of Nigerian Students’ (NANS), this evening is that the NANS president, com. Gbadebo Yinka has been impeached and he has been replaced by the V.P external affairs. This is to notify all Nigerians, public office holder, students, to whom it may concern to turn deaf hear to their gibberish rumour and to use this medium to warn ASUU to retreat from this frivolous act, if involved. For the first time in the history of NANS, the student body is united without any fraction of leadership. This is because the entire Nigerian students believe in the leadership of com. Gbadebo Yinka, a president who is ready to fight the students just with is last breath. Why should ASUU, under the leadership of Dr. Nasir Issa Fagge, decide to pollute the students’ body with rumour? We beginning to sense that some political parties have begun to infiltrate this ASUU strike and it Is getting political already. Moreover, ASUU isn’t the only union body that FGN is depriving of some rights, so why should their own mode of agitation be different from others? If ASUU is truly fighting for the interest of Nigerian students’ and not for their selfish and personal interest, why should their agitations disturbs the peace of her dear Nation just as the Boko-Haram? Because trying to cause chaos and separation/fraction amidst the students’ body is an attribute of terrorist group within the country. CONCLUSION I am pleased to inform you all that the student body, NANS, is still united even more than ever under the leadership of com. Gbadebo Yinka and that ASUU is disturbing the peace of this country, we (NANS) using this medium to plead to ASUU to return to classrooms while negotiation with FG continues. To all perpetrators propagating rumours against the student body, decease from this devilish act, else, the student populace will take appropriate measures within the ambit of its power to massively mobilize against such group. Long Live Nigeria!!! Long Live NANS!!! Aluta Continua; Victoria Ascerta!!! OFFICE OF NANS PRO Com. Victor OLAOGUN
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 21:19:51 +0000

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